This was primarily made for my own personal use. It may not be suitable for all plugins, and may change at any moment.
This kind of code is quite common:
void OnGameEvent_player_spawn(Event event, const char[] name, bool dontBroadcast)
if (!g_bEnabled)
// ...
I grew tired of putting "is enabled" guard clauses at the top of every function, so I wrote a pretty robust system that will automatically unhook and clean up everything if the plugin gets disabled.
To avoid copy-pasting it into every plugin I write, I turned it into an include.
Due to the nature of include files, a few functions need to be called in SourceMod forwards. Here is a minimal example:
#include <pluginstatemanager>
public void OnPluginStart()
// Initialize the plugin state manager.
// Add events, detours, etc. to be hooked when the plugin enables.
PSM_AddEventHook("player_spawn", OnGameEvent_player_spawn);
PSM_AddEnforcedConVar("tf_forced_holiday", "2");
public void OnConfigsExecuted()
// This will enable the plugin if the value of sm_myplugin_enabled is 1.
public void OnPluginEnd()
// This will disable the plugin and remove any hooks that are still active.
For a more detailed example, see the example plugin.