After loading the file
auto labels_file = IDX_File("MNIST_database/t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte");
the data is inside one of the vector depending of the data type. The other vectors are empty
class IDX_File
IDX_File(std::string_view path) ;
std::string_view type{};
std::vector<std::uint8_t> data_uint8_t{};
std::vector<std::int8_t> data_int8_t{};
std::vector<std::int16_t> data_int16_t{};
std::vector<std::int32_t> data_int32_t{};
std::vector<float> data_float{};
std::vector<double> data_double{};
so to use it just access the adequate vector
auto labels = std::move(labels_file.data_uint8_t);
for(auto label : labels){
std::cout << (int)label << "\n";
path: MNIST_database/t10k-images.idx3-ubyte
data type: 8 -> unsigned byte -> std::uint8_t
number of dimensions: 3
dim 1: 10000
dim 2: 28
dim 3: 28
data_size: 7840000
File ended as expected, loaded 7840000 chunks of data
path: MNIST_database/t10k-labels.idx1-ubyte
data type: 8 -> unsigned byte -> std::uint8_t
number of dimensions: 1
dim 1: 10000
data_size: 10000
File ended as expected, loaded 10000 chunks of data
░ ░░░░ ██▒
Label: 7
░███░ ██▓
▒██ ▒██░
░ ███░
███░ ░▓▓▓▓
Label: 2