Credit goes to rznazn for the orginal program.
To set the Wi-Fi, change the following lines in esp32-countdown.ino
// Set Wi-Fi name and Password here
const char* ssid = "My SSID";
const char* password = "My Password";
The upstream timezone is UTC, to change the following line to offset the time for your timezone. For example, this would be the offset for Central time.
// Timezone offset
const long gmtOffset_sec = 3600 * -6;
The default day to countdown to is Christmas Day, to adjust the day, subtract the number of days between the day that you want to countdown to, and Christmas day. Then adjust the following line replacing zero with the desired number.
// Change Day
daysTill = (daysTill - 0);
By default the message is "Until Day", and to change the message, go to the following code block. Just note that the message cannot be longer than 10 characters or it will not display properly.
// Change Message
display.print("Until Day");
The current time is stored in the 24-Hour Format, and to disable the display, just create an if statement after line 137. For example, this would turn off the display at midnight.
if (timeinfo.tm_hour == 24) {
To change the display brightness, change any of the of the following lines to the desired value.
display.setBrightness(200); // Set Display Brightness Default is 255
It is untested if leap years are calculated properly.
Tested on the DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1