Cinèra is an online movie or shows database that contains information and statistics about movies and shows.
What can you do using Cinèra:
- Have a particular name in mind? Search for movies or shows from Cinèra database.
- Don't have a particular name in mind? No worries! You can discover movies or shows from different categories like Popular Now, Trending Recently, Ongoing Shows, Top Rated Movies or Shows and more.
- Click on the image of the movie or show of your choice to get the details about it.
- The details contain the information about the title, cast, director, genres, language, trailer and more.
- Watched a movie or show and liked it? Want to get similar movies or recommended movies based on it? Get similar movies or shows like the one that you liked in the details section of it.
- Don't want to go through all the hustle to find a good movie or show? Try Cinèra's recommendations section that updates everyday based on what's trending nowadays.
- To view the details of movie or show or to explore the Discover section
Login Now to get started!
What did/does Cinèra use?
- HTML/CSS/JS -- Programming Languages
- React as the frontend framework -- Development
- The Movie Database (TMDB) API for fetching movies and shows -- API
- Microsoft Azure Static Web Apps for deployment -- Deployment/Production
- Google Firebase for Authentication -- Authentication/API
- Figma for designing the layout of the web app -- Design
- Google Fonts and Flaticon -- Fonts/Icons
- Github and Git -- Open source repository
- ChatGPT -- Documentation/Indentations/Comments/Clean code
Note: For successful running of the project, you have to create src/utils/constants.js that will store the TMDB API related to the project AND firebase configuration file containing data for Firebase API integration in the project.