Given a set of n points (Xi , Yi ) in the Euclidian plane , a Convex hull is the smallest convex polygon which contains all the given points.
A shortest path around is one of the convex hull applications. Given a fenced area in the two-dimensional Euclidean plane in the shape of a convex polygon with vertices at points P1 (X1,Y1), P2 (X2,Y2), … , Pn (Xn,Yn), and two more points A (XA,YA) and B (XB,YB). The goal is to find the length of the shortest path around between A and B.
Algorithm QuickHull ( InputPoints [ 0 … n-1 ] )
// This algorithm is used to find the convex hull of a given set of points.
// inputs: a set of sorted points (xi,yi) in the Euclidian plane.
// output: the set of points formed a convex hull. The algorithm return Convexhull array which contains all points belong to the convexhull.
1. Convexhull = {} // an array to stored the points formed a convex hull
2. Find minx and maxx P1,P2.
3. Add P1 and P2 to the set Convex hull.
4. Line P1 P2 divide the remaining points into 2 sets Upper_Set and Lower_Set.
5. Upper_Set = {(xi,yi) : (xi,yi) resides above the line P1 P2. }
6. Lower_Set = {(xi,yi) : (xi,yi) resides below the line P1 P2. }
7. FindConvexHull (P1,P2, Upper_Set, Convexhull)
8. FindConvexHull (P2,P1, Lower_Set, Convexhull)
9. Return Convexhull.
End QuickHull
Algorithm FindConvexHull ( Ponit P1 , Point P2, InputPoints [ 0 … n-1 ] , ConvexHull [0 .. n-1] )
// This algorithm is used to find the convex hull of a given set of points either Upper_Set/Lower_Set points
// inputs: a set of points (xi,yi) . Either the Upper_Set or Lower_Set.
// output: the set of points formed a convex hull upper/lower hull. The algorithm return Convexhull array which contains all points belong to the upper/lower hull.
1. Find the farest point P_max from the line P1 P2
2. Add P_max to ConvexHull.
3. Line P1 P_max divide the set of points into two subsets also line P_max P2 divide the set into two subsets. P1 P2 P_max form a triangle. All points reside inside the triangle cannot be part of the convex hull.
4. leftSet_P1_Pmax = {(xi,yi) : (xi,yi) resides above the line P1 P_max. }
5. leftSet_Pmax_P2= {(xi,yi) : (xi,yi) resides above the line P_max P2. }
6. FindConvexHull( P1,P_max, leftSet_P1_Pmax, convexHull)
7. FindConvexHull ( P_max , P2 , leftSet_Pmax_P2 , convexHull )
End FindConvexHull
Algorithm ShortestPathAround ( InputPoints [ 0 … n-1 ] , Point A , Point B )
// This algorithm is used to find the shortest path around between two points A and B.
// inputs: a set of points (xi,yi) in the Euclidian plane along with the points A and B.
// output: the shortest path around between two points A and B. The algorithm return an array which contains the points belong to the shortest path.
1. Convexhull = {} // an array to stored the points formed a convex hull
2. Line A B divide the points into 2 sets Upper_Set and Lower_Set.
3. Upper_Set = {(xi,yi) : (xi,yi) resides above the line A B. }
4. Lower_Set = {(xi,yi) : (xi,yi) resides below the line A B. }
5. FindConvexHull (A,B, Upper_Set, Convexhull)
6. Calculate the length of the Upper Convex.
7. Upper_Convex = {(xi,yi) : (xi,yi) resides above the line A B and belong to the convex hull }
8. FindConvexHull (B,A, Lower_Set, Convexhull)
9. Calculate the length of the Lower Convex.
10. Lower_Convex = {(xi,yi) : (xi,yi) resides below the line A B and belong to the convex hull }
// Compare the Upper_Convex_Length with the Lower_Convex_Length
11. if (Upper_Convex_Length < Lower_Convex_Length )
Return Upper_Convex
else return Lower_Convex
End ShortestPathAround
Alya Alshammari, Munerah Al-Zaidan, Nourah Al-Shahrani, Shams Al-Shamasi
Developed as part of a Computer Science MSc course
Supervisor: Dr. Mohammed Menai
Course: CSC512: Algorithms Design and Analysis
King Saud university
November 2019