The AFLRun is tested with clang 16.0.3, the other version might work but might also be problematic. These are the steps to compile the LLVM project for AFLRun.
# Clone LLVM project.
git clone --depth=1 /~ && \
cd llvm-project && \
git fetch origin --depth=1 4a2c05b05ed07f1f620e94f6524a8b4b2760a0b1 && \
git reset --hard 4a2c05b05ed07f1f620e94f6524a8b4b2760a0b1
# Download binutils.
wget -O binutils.tar.gz && \
tar -xf binutils.tar.gz
# Download CMake.
wget /~ -O cmake.tar.gz && \
tar -xf cmake.tar.gz
# Compile and install LLVM project.
# Please change "/path/to/install" to your install path.
mkdir build && cd build
export CXX=g++
export CC=gcc
../cmake-3.25.1-linux-x86_64/bin/cmake -G "Ninja" \
-DLLVM_BINUTILS_INCDIR=$PWD/../binutils-2.39/include \
-DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;compiler-rt;lld" \
ninja -j $(nproc) && ninja install
cd ../.. && rm -rf llvm-project
Then we can compile AFLRun
git clone /~ && cd AFLRun
git submodule update --init robin-hood-hashing/
export CC="$PATH_TO_INSTALL/bin/clang"
export CXX="$PATH_TO_INSTALL/bin/clang++"
make clean all
Now we can use AFLRun to compile program
# Set target file, the format is same as AFLGo.
export AFLRUN_BB_TARGETS="/path/to/BBtargets.txt"
# Names of target binaries to instrument, "::" means instrument all binaries.
export AFLRUN_TARGETS="bin1:bin2"
# Optional, directory to store data. If not set, a random directory will be created.
export AFLRUN_TMP="/tmp/"
export CC="$AFLRUN/afl-clang-lto"
export CXX="$AFLRUN/afl-clang-lto++"
title={Toward Unbiased Multiple-Target Fuzzing with Path Diversity},
author={Huanyao Rong and Wei You and Xiaofeng Wang and Tianhao Mao},