This is a repo to demonstrate some system control and filtering ideas for an autonomous rover. In general this repo is for concept development and demonstration.
Main branch is develop, branch from that - and open a pull request once it is developed.
Master is for deployment ready code.
- Path-finding algorithms
- A*
- Dijkstra
- Best-First (greedy)
- Localization algorithms
- EKF and pose manipulation
- Mapping algorithms
- Potential Field mapping
Follow PEP8 style guide conventions
Before a feature can be merged into master, unit tests must be written to validate the correctness of the feature. Tests should be included in the tests/
sub-directory and be named test_<feature name>.py
Unit tests would be run by pytest
in the clone directory, which can installed using
pip install -U pytest
To create a python package in a sub-directory, include a file in the directory called
. This defines the directory as a package and allows it to be directly imported as from <package> import <module>
. When a regular package is imported, this
file is implicitly executed, and the objects it defines are bound to names in the package’s namespace.
feature/<insert feature name here>
- for new features
hotfix/<thing being fixed here>
- dedicated branches for squashing bugs that have been merged into in master
refactor/<thing being refactored here>
- dedicated branch to cleaning up part of the code base
Before merging code make sure that you haven't broken anything else in the repo.
- Once a feature is complete
- rebase onto master
- Squash all commits in the branch into one
- Rename commit to something meaningful
- e.g.
Added demo of A* algorithm
- e.g.
- Create a pull request and nominate another member of the team (preferable someone with knowledge of the feature) as a reviewer
- Test integration some examples here