Currently very bare bones. Just a simulink skeleton, no .m script written yet.
Required MATLAB Addons:
- Aerospace Toolbox
- Aerospace Blockset
- Control Systems Toolbox
- Simulink
- Simulink 3D Animation
This might only work on windows PCs due to Xbox input (script is a .mexw64 file). Alternative coming soon(tm).
XInput for Simulink - /~
ADCS Simulation for ACRUX-2 CubeSAT mission for MSP, referenced resource from Aerospace Mechanics and Controls - Carlos Jose Montalvo
Sun Positioning Model -
IGRF Magnetic Field Model -
Please note: Before merging repositories on 27/08/2024, Maxwell Jones (mwajones), Yang Goh (Neva-Y) and vertije were the main contributers to /ACRUX-2_ADCS_DETUMBLE-main, /ADCS_BdotAlgo-main, and /ADCS_test_ESP-main.