You can modify the script to run different scripts before you git push
. Then you need to run the following:
chmod +x scripts/
ln -s ../../scripts/ .git/hooks/pre-push
You can skip the hook by adding --no-verify
to your git push
Add this line to your .bashrc
export NODE_PATH=$NODE_PATH:/path/to/node/lib/node_modules
npm install -g <package>
install on the globally npm source. Do not abuse about this. Prefer local installations over global ones.
npm install -g yo
npm install -g bower
npm install -g grunt-cli
Source: /~
npm install -g generator-angular-require-fullstack
Necessary to run a grunt serve task: /~
- Download and install Rbenv.
- Download and install Ruby-Build.
- Install the appropriate Ruby version by running
rbenv install <version>
is the desired one (prefer the last stable one). - Install compass gem:
gem install compass
That's it! you should be able to start coding.
Test your front-end app
grunt serve
Build your front-end app
grunt build
We are using Karma alongside with Jasmine for our Angular unit tests. It may be useful to install karma-cli globally.
$ npm install -g karma-cli
Then, you can run Karma simply by karma
from anywhere and it will always run the local version.
For example, to run Angular tests, simply run
$ karma start
For building the whole web app, just run
mvn clean package -DurlPath:'/deploy_path'
mvn clean package -DurlPath=''
if deploying app to '/'
mvn clean package -DurlPath='/grupo1'
if deploying app to '/grupo1'
- DNI: 38457012
- Password: password01
- DNI: 12345687
- Password: password01
- Matías Nicolás Comercio Vázquez
- Gonzalo Exequiel Ibars Ingman
- Matías Mercado
- Juan Martín Pascale