Matlab code for simulating quasi-steady state approximations (QSSAs) of biochemical systems assuming a PDE system. Related manuscript : Beyond Homogeneity: Assessing the Validity of the Michaelis–Menten Rate Law in Spatially Heterogeneous Environments, submitted to PLoS Computational Biology
- Fig2
The codes in this folder are designed to compare two models for approximating simple enzyme kinetics networks: the standard quasi-steady state approximation (sQSSA) and the total quasi-steady state approximation (tQSSA). Each code assumes different initial conditions.
- Fig3
fig3bc_.m and fig3de_.m: These codes are designed to compare the amount of product produced when the enzyme is localized in a small area vs. when it is not. Similar to the codes in the Fig2 folder, these codes compare the sQSSA and tQSSA models.\ fig3i_.m: This is code to observe how inaccurate sQSSA becomes depending on the heterogeneity of the intial conditon.
- Fig4
Code to analyze the performance of QSSAs in a more complex model, i.e. a model involving two enzymes. Here we can observe how well the QSSA models describe the zero-order ultrasensitivity of the full model.