A small tool which observes the sitting posture via webcam and gives visual feedback about the quality of a healthy sitting posture.
Machine Learning via Tensorflow is used to achieve this.
Tensorflow is used in two passes with two different models to evaluate
- the human posture (Feature Extraction) and
- the quality (Quality Estimation) of a sitting posture.
In order not to start from scratch, Tensorflow Model PoseNet is used as a fancy feature detector for human postures. Its already pretrained. Features are in form of a vector which contains scores and positions of human body parts.
Output from PoseNet-Python blended into a original image:
The features (the skeleton of the posture) are drawn to 256x256 RGB image and feed into a CNN which evaluates the quality of the sitting pose by 6 categories.
- 0 no human posture at all
- 1 very bad posture
- 2 bad posture
- 3 average posture
- 4 good posture
- 5 very good posture
Input for quality estimation:
To train the second tensorflow model we need to provide a prerecorded/labeled data set:
Providing a data set for training is a two step process:
Posture-Advisor contains recording-functionality which just saves raw images from webcam. Images are saved with unique names into the folder 'record'.
The previously recorded images will labeled with quality attribute (1-5 stars, or None) which is stored as EXIF tag inside the JPG. Images which were succesfully labeled will be moved to folder 'label'.
You need to install at least the following prerequisites:
- Python 3.7
- PySide2 5.13.1
pip install pyside2==5.13.1
- OpenCV
pip install opencv-python==
- Tensorflow 2.0.0
pip install tensorflow==2.0.0
- Numpy 1.16.4
pip install numpy==1.16.4
- piexif 1.1.3
pip install piexif==1.1.3
- invoke 1.3.0
pip install invoke==1.3.0
'Invoke' is used as build management tool (similar to 'make').
Generate python source files from UI files:
invoke generate
- run the app by
python postureadvisor.py --train
- [record] create data set by recording pictures of good/bad sitting postures
- [label] label the quality of sitting postures in the previously created images
- [train] start training the second tensorflow model, provide the number of epochs
- [save model] save the trained model (outputfolder 'posturequalitynetmodel')
- run the app by
python postureadvisor.py
The PoseNet-Python implementation by Ross Wightman can be found at /~https://github.com/rwightman/posenet-python
The original PoseNet model, weights, code, etc. was created by Google and can be found at /~https://github.com/tensorflow/tfjs-models/tree/master/posenet
Images are license free from: https://www.pexels.com
- feed features directly into a MLP, without drawing on image plane
- or instead: transfer learning for PoseNet to train custom features
- add more options to train the quality estimation
- try PoseNetModel ResNet50
- refactor PoseNet-Python to use Tensorflow2.0 API
- tbc.