A awesome repo template to kick-start your next project
Show your support!
- A configurable workflow action to:
- update all links with your own with EASE!
- update Code Of Conduct E-mail with your own!
- update Security Policy E-mail with your own!
- download files & folder from another GitHub Repo
- compress / optimize all images in repo!
- generate a Markdown styled index file with SEO details!
- generate a table of contents in your README
- generate a star-gazer metrics SVG image
- Time Saving Files:
- Pull request template
- Issue templates for bug reports and feature requests
- Contributor guidelines
- Code Owners
- Code of Conduct
- Change-log
- To-Do list
- Security Policy
- License file
- GitHub Bot Files
- config.yml file to modify multiple bot's behaviours.
- issue_label_bot.yaml file to use the issue adder GitHub bot. Activate it or check its documentation.
- settings.yml file to use the popular settings GitHub bot. Activate it or check its documentation.
How to use this template:
To run any of these tasks you MUST be in the Actions section
How to find the Action
How to replace all links with your own:
Edit the repo_config.json file & set the value for "REPLACE_TEXT_WITH" - to your username & repo name like the following example
And run the Repo Generator in Actions - set "Update all links" to checked
How to replace e-mail in Code of Conduct with your own:
Edit the repo_config.json file & set the value for "EMAIL" - to your e-mail address like the following example.
And run the Repo Generator in Actions- set "Update Code Of Conduct Info" to checked
How to replace e-mail in Security Policy with your own:
Edit the repo_config.json file & set the value for "EMAIL" - to your e-mail address like the following example.
And run the Repo Generator in Actions- set "Update Security Info" to checked
How to download file(s) / folder(s) from another GitHub repo
files downloaded from a repo containing the same name in your current repo will be OVER-WRITTEN.
In the Repo Generator Actions- set "Download a file or folder from a GitHub Repo" to a GitHub file path or folder.
To download a single file:
To download a specific folder:
To download all files in a repo folder:
Note: File's will be placed into main repo path.
How to generate a index.html file
A index.html file will be produced from your README content.
SEO details such as Title, Description & OG images etc are auto-produced using your Repo details.
Note Your README content will be rendered in Github Flavored Markdown using our tool Markdown-Tag: Add Markdown to any HTML using a tag
Go to the Repo Generator in Actions- set "Generate Index File" to checked
How to compress / optimize images in repo
Note: All images in repo will be compressed / optimized (SVG's are NOT supported)
Go to the Repo Generator in Actions- set "Compress / Optimize Images" to checked
How to generate Table Of Contents:
To generate tables of contents automatically use anywhere in your README.md file a comment like so
<!-- toc -->
<!-- tocstop -->
And when running the Repo Generator in Actions - set "Generate Table Of Contents" to checked
WARNING: Only 1 table of contents can be generated in a README - if you use more than one you WILL face problems.
How to Generate a Metrics Image:
Create a Personal Access Token & create a repo secret called "METRICS_TOKEN" & when running the Repo Generator - set "Generate Metrics Image File" to checked
You will have an image generated that looks like this!
It will be placed in the main repo under the filename stargazers-metrics.svg
Note: if someone knows how to change this please make a pull request with the image placed to .github folder!
Shield.io Buttons:
Repo metadata
Social buttons
Call-to-Action buttons
Documentation button
Custom button
How to setup GitHub bots
These are bots that are prepared and configured for this template. They need to be activated to properly work.
- The
file depends on the issue label bot Activate it or check its documentation(✓ highly recommended). - The
file depends on the settings label bot Activate it or check its documentation (optional). - The
file depends on the bot welcome bot Activate it or check its documentation and to-do bot (optional).
Want to improve this template? Create a pull request with detailed changes / improvements! If approved you will be added to the list of contributors of this awesome repo template!
See also the list of contributors who participate in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.