Pipeline to detect transposable elements (TEs) insertions polymorphism
Trackposon is a pipeline to detect TEs insertions with paired-end raw data in the 3000 rice genomes.
Retrotranspositional landscape of Asian rice revealed by 3000 genomes, Carpentier et al, Nature Communications, 2019 ⟨10.1038/s41467-018-07974-5⟩
- bowtie2
- samtools
- blastn+
- bedtools
- perl script (find_insertion_point.pl) in the running directory
- BioSearchIO and GenericResult perl modules
Files input
Paired-end data from resequencing genome
Noted : the name of fast files will be like this $file_1.fq & $file_2.fq -
bowtie2 index for your TE reference sequence (the 32 TE families consensus are in fasta file 32_TE_families_TRACKPOSON_NC_Carpentier_et_al.fa) bowtie2-build $fa $name_index
blast+ database from the reference genome
makeblastdb -in $ref.fa -dbtype nucl -title $db_title -
10kb windows bed file from the reference genome
bedtools makewindows -g $genome_file -w 10000 > $genome_ref_10kbwindows.bed
The genome_file should tab delimited and structured as follows:
chromName chromSize
For example :
Chr1 249250621
Chr2 243199373
Change the path for your own files in TRACKPOSON.sh
and after run TRACKPOSON (TRACKPOSON.sh)
Step2 - Automatic anaysis of output bash Analyse_pipeline.sh
Analysis of TRACKPOSON output
- Analyse_pipeline.sh : create a final matrix of presence or absence TIPs for each TE family (Analyse_pipeline.R) and draw 2 histograms for the distribution of TEs insertion in 3000 rice genome dataset (Analyse_tradi.R)