Macro-driven metalanguage which compiles to Pyramid Scheme. Read the paper!
Download and install psll:
cd ~
git clone /~
cd psll-lang
pip install .
Then psll
command should be available in your command line. Run psll --help
to lean more.
You can also skip the installation and run the python module as a script with python -m psll ...
without any installation.
Only the compile
command is implemented at the moment, so you'll have to run the resulting pyramid scheme by yourself with, for example, ruby ./Pyramid-Scheme/pyra.rb ...
For example, to compile and run the bubble-sort example:
psll -v compile ./examples/bubble_sort.psll -o && \
ruby ./Pyramid-Scheme/pyra.rb ./examples/bubble_sort.pyra
You can also run the pyramid schem straight from psll
cli. For that to work, make sure ruby
is in the path.
psll run ./examples/bubble_sort.pyra
There is also a convenience command to compile a psll program in a temp directory and run it:
psll -v compile-and-run ./examples/bubble_sort.psll
Here it it specified with a -v
option to also count the number of
The following is an example lisp-like pyramid scheme which counts the number of input arguments it gets, and then prints it out to the command line. The syntax supports //
comments and newlines, as well as (almost) random additions of whitespace.
For the purposed of the markdown README, C# highlighting seems to look fine. There is a vscode extension in the psll-lang
folder which provides syntax highlighting for both psll and Pyramid Scheme.
// Make nil by asking for the 999'th input argument
(set nil (arg 999))
// Count the number of input arguments - n
(set nargin 0)
(do cond (
(set nargin (+ nargin 1))
(set cond (! (= (arg nargin) nil)))
(set nargin (- nargin 1))
(out "nargin: " nargin) // Print
It can be compiled and run as follows:
python -m psll ./examples/nargin_counter.psll -o -f
ruby ./Pyramid-Scheme/pyra.rb ./exmaples/nargin_counter.pyra 4 3 5 2 4
or with the compile-and-run
psll compile-and-run ./examples/nargin_counter.psll 4 3 5 2 4
The output is nargin: 5
Psll implements a few bits of syntactic sugar, to make writing complicated pyramid schemes easier.
A bracket with multiple subtrees will get automatically split into multiple size-2 subtrees which will, in turn, get prepended with the empty string, as described above. Hence, the following psll code:
(out 1) (out 2) (out 3) (out 4) (out 5)
will get interpreted as:
( // First pair
(out 1) (out 2)
( // Second pair
(out 3) (out 4)
) // One left
(out 5)
The elements are taken from the list pairwise, and put into sub-lists recursively, until the root list has length of 2 or less. Because of order of subtree evaluation in pyramid scheme, this preserves the execution order. Note that arbitrary indentation, and mid-line comments are allowed.
This feature is useful, for example, for keeping tidy the body of a for-loop or an if-statement:
(set a 0) // Flip-flop
(set N 10) (set j 0) // N of iteration and loop counter
(loop (! (= j N)) (
// Do some work...
(out j (chr 32)) // Print j and space
(out a (chr 10)) // Print a and newline
(set a (! a)) // Flip a
(set j (+ j 1))
In pyramid scheme, the strings have to be built manually. The string hello is:
(set a (+ (+ (+ (+ (chr 72) (chr 101)) (chr 108)) (chr 108)) (chr 111)))
Psll expands a string literal into such construct, so its enough to write:
(set a "Hello")
Only "
can be used to create strings.
Psll implements def
as a special keyword. The syntax for def
is: (def x (...))
, where x
can be any string (except def
) and (...)
is any bracket. From that point onwards, each occurrence of x
or (x)
is replaced by the bracket (...)
. The def
statement itself gets replaced by an empty pyramid (hence evaluates to 0). For example:
(def f (set a (! a))) // This becomes ()
(f) // This becomes (set a (! a))
can, therefore be used akin to a function definition:
(set a 0)
(def incr (set a (+ a 1))) // Increment a
(incr) // This now becomes (set a (+ a 1))
(out "a: " a) (out (chr 10))
Once defined, it is possible to redefine def
's in terms of themselves:
(def incr ( // Redefine 'incr' as itself + printing
(out "<incr> a: " a)
(out (chr 10)) // Newline
(incr) // This now does the original incr + print
Defs are active within the scope in which they are declared. Hence:
(def f (incr)) // 'f' is an alias for 'incr'
(f) // This now behaves as 'incr'
(out "entering scope" (chr 10))
(def f (out "Vikings approaching!" (chr 10))) // Redefine f within the scope
(f f f) // Do 'f' 3 times
(out "leaving scope" (chr 10))
(out "a: " a) (out (chr 10)) // But 'a' remains unchanged
(f) // 'f' works the same way as before the scope
(incr) // and 'incr' also works the same way
The code above prints Vikings approaching!
three times, as opposed to incrementing a
three times, btu then goes back to incrementing after the scope.
The following is, for example, a postfix implementation of the modulo function:
(def mod (loop (<=> (<=> a b) -1) (set a (- a b)))) // Set a to mod(a,b)
(set a 11) (set b 7) (mod)
The out
command of Pyramid Scheme allows for output of, at most, 2 variables. To output more, one needs to chain mutiple such out
statements. In psll an out command with more than two inputs gets automatically expanded into such chain, such that:
(out a b)
(out c d)
(out e)
can be written simply as:
(out a b c d e)
The former might, however be preferable in certain contexts since it allows for comments on each part of the out
A similar expansion will is also implemented for binary operators +
, *
as well as -
, /
, ^
, =
and <=>
, such that:
(+ 1 2 3 4) // This
(out (+ (+ (+ 1 2) 3) 4) newline) // Becomes this
Addition and subtraction are commutative over the set of all possible inputs, and hence the exact order of operations does not matter. (This is not quite true. String multiplication overloads concatenation and that's not commutative). For a non-commutative operation, e.g. subtraction, the expansion order does matter. Hence:
(- 1 2 3 4) // This
(- (- (- 1 2) 3) 4) // Does indeed expand into this
(1 2 3 4 -) // This
(- 1 (- 2 (- 3 4))) // Expands to this instead
For the binary operations listed above, they can be specified at the end of the bracket to perform a right-associative expansion.
For the sake of compatibility with non-expanded brackets, the following two are also allowed, and identical:
(- 1 2)
(1 2 -)
(and, of course, the same for other binary operations, even the commutative ones)
The underscore _
can be used to explicitly specify an empty slot where a pyramid could be. It is not particularly useful from the user point of view (maybe except for fine-tuning the position of the pyramids for code golf), but it is very helpful for the compiler. All the leaves are eventually terminated with _
, and string expansion used the _
keyword to help pack the code a bit better.
Psll compiler allows for some code optimisation. Optimising the code for speed would be, let's be honest with ourselves, a bit silly at this point. Psll optimisation attempts, therefore, to minimise number of bytes in the source code, such that the result can be used in code golf challenges.
Attempt to package each pair of root nodes in the abstract syntax tree. Insert an empty pyramid in the very first place which is beneficial (hence greedy). If all such places have been exhausted, try all teh possible insertions of a single pyramid.
This optimisation technique tends to result in tall pyramid scheme. It is very fast, and produces intermediate-quality results.
Consider all the possible places to either insert a single pyramid, or package two adjacent pyramids up to certain depth (10). Choose the most beneficial.
This optimisation technique tends to result in wide pyramid scheme. It is slower than the greedy optimisation, but very often results in a smaller pyramid scheme.