An enterprise level platform of the Manna Network ad network designed especially for professionals in the web designers, web hosting, SEO, web advertising, newspapers, magazines, fields. It enables them to offer their website-operating customers 1) a way to earn Bitcoin SV (a Top 10 crypto currency) with their web traffic and website 2) receive free advertising across the entire ad network of websites.
The Manna network enables web professionals the ability to essentially "gift" their own customers with free advertising and an income earning e-commerce opportunity in one package. It opens up the potential for a mutually-beneficial venture between the customer and the agent to monetize the web traffic and/or the social network of their customer in a win-win arrangement. It fosters a higher level of cooperation between the service provider and the customer resulting in higher customer retention and satisfaction.
Agency level participants must already be registered as users in the Manna Network system in order to activate their script. If you need a Manna Network account you can find one of our agents to register at here:
In terminal, move to the installation location/folder of your website and type: -> git init -> git clone /~ -> sudo chgrp -R www-data bitcoin_ad_agency 1) Download the zip file from Github 2) Move the zip file to the installation location/folder of your website 3) Unzip the file (and delete the zip file when done) 4) In terminal, move to the installation location/folder of your website and type: -> sudo chgrp -R www-data bitcoin_ad_agency