- Laravel = 11.20.0
- PHP = 8.2.12
- Composer Version = 2.7.7
- Clone the repository.
- Run composer install to install dependencies.
- Set up your database configuration in the .env file.
- Run php artisan migrate to create the necessary database tables.
- Customize the application as needed.
composer install
php artisan migrate
php artisan serve
npm install
npm run build
- Install the Laravel Socialite package using Composer:
composer require laravel/socialite
Configure your config/services.php file with your Github app keys:
'github' => [ 'client_id' => 'Your App ID', 'client_secret' => 'Your App Secret', 'redirect' => 'http://localhost:8000/auth/github/callback', ],
Create a github project here (/~https://github.com/settings/developers), and copy the App ID and App Secret into the above configuration.