1: downlioad the zip file from /~https://github.com/MaheshSindhiya/ocean.com.git
2: extract dwonlded file (you will get foldet name 'ocean.com-master')
3: Move/pest that folder to C:\xampp\htdocs
4: Rname the folder to ocean
5: Open chrom and enter http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
5.1: create now database name 'ocean'
5.2: click on import button at center top position
5.3: Click on 'choose File' Button
5.4: Goto 'C:\xampp\htdocs\ocean\database' and select/doubleClick ocean.sql file
5.5: click on 'Go' Button at bottum right corner
6: open chrom/newTab and enter : localhost/ocean
7: Enjoy!!!!!