clone this repo
git clone /~https://github.com/MagnusThor/NeoRTC.git
or reference the neortc.js for development purpose using
var app = new NeoRTC.Conference();
defaults to
iceTransports: 'all',
iceServers: [
urls: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302"
When you call getUserMedia the browser prompts the clients for mediastream access based on the constaints parameter.
app.getUserMedia( { video: true, audio: false },
function (mediaStream) {
// do op's with mediaStream
app.ChangeContext("foo") ;
Add a mediastream to the local peer. the mediastream's you add will be shared with the other peers on the same context.
When you call sendInstantMessage you will pass the message:any to all clients connected to the same context.
app.sendInstantMessage({text:'Hello from Chat'})
Fires when the NeoRTC.Conference is connected to the backend (service).
app.OnReady = function () {
// do op
Fires when a local stream is added.
Fires when a remote mediastream is available.
Fires when a mediastream is lost.