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OnEvents ‐ Service docs
The onevents system allows automation of the bot without any scripts based on a number of triggers. not as flexable as if you are controling it directly but sill powerfull.
source | Passed values from event | About |
GuestJoins | avataruuid | Triggered when the bot sees a new avatar |
GuestLeaves | avataruuid | Triggered when the bot can no longer see an avatar |
Clock | / | Attempts to trigger every 60 secs (please have some good where checks to avoid spam) |
AvatarIm | avataruuid, avatarname | Triggered when the bot gets a IM |
GroupMemberJoin | avataruuid, groupuuid, groupname | Triggered when an avatar joins a group |
GroupMemberLeave | avataruuid, groupuuid, groupname | Triggered when an avatar joins a group |
ChangeSim | oldsimname, newsimname | Triggered when the bot changes sim |
BalanceUpdate | funds | Triggered when the bots balance gets a update |
SimAlert | alertmessage | Triggered when the bot gets a sim alert message |
these filter events before getting to the where checks.
source | Required Monitor value | Example |
GroupMemberJoin | GroupUUID | 861e110b-f3a5-1869-f652-a722bc86fb1b |
GroupMemberLeave | GroupUUID | 861e110b-f3a5-1869-f652-a722bc86fb1b |
GuestJoins | SimName=#=ParcelName | Japan=#=No.26 |
GuestLeaves | SimName=#=ParcelName | Tentacles=#=EmptyList |
AvatarIm | Text | "Any" or "AvatarUUID" |
if a source is not listed set the monitor to "Any"
GroupMemberJoin/GroupMemberLeave events will never be triggered for groups without an attached monitor
GuestJoins/GuestLeaves requires the bot to currently be in the matching monitor, it will also enforce the guests parcel to be what is monitored.
AvatarIm requires the monitor to be set to a selected AvatarUUID or Any to accept from anyone
- Normal checkable values
Key | About | Notes |
botsim | the name of the sim for the bot | Secondbot Example |
botparcel | the name of the parcel for the bot | can be "-" if the parcels are not loaded yet |
botx | the X location as a number for the bot | can be -1 if not fully loaded into a parcel yet |
boty | the X location as a number for the bot | can be -1 if not fully loaded into a parcel yet |
botz | the X location as a number for the bot | can be -1 if not fully loaded into a parcel yet |
eventype | the type of event triggered | (see sources) |
clockhour | the hour time on the clock (24 hour format) with leading zeros | 06 or 22 |
clockmin | the min time on the clock with leading zeros | 31 or 09 |
dayofweek | the day of the week | [0=sunday,1=Monday ect] |
- Requires pass in from events
Key | About | Notes |
message | the message sent from a groupIM, localchat, avatarIM | will be "none" if not from any of these events |
avataruuid | the UUID of the avatar | can be "none" if not loaded by the source |
groupuuid | the UUID of the group that triggered the event | will be set to "none" if not from a group event |
groupname | the name of the group that triggered the event | will be set to "none" if not from a group event |
oldsimname | the old sim name the bot was in before it moved | will be "none" if this is the first connect, will be "none" if not ChangeSim event source |
newsimname | the new sim name the bot has moved to | will be "none" if not ChangeSim event source |
funds | the balance the bot holds | will be -1 if not passed in |
alertmessage | the message of the alert | will be "none" if not SimAlert event source |
- Requires avataruuid to be passed in from the event
Key | About | Notes |
avatarname | the name of the avatar | can be "lookup" if avatar has not been loaded by the data system yet or the avataruuid is "none" |
avatarparcel | the name of the parcel the avatar is in | can be "?" if the parcels are not loaded yet or avataruuid is "none" or unable to see the avatar |
avatarx | the X location as a number for the avatar | can be -1 if avataruuid is "none" or unable to see the avatar |
avatary | the Y location as a number for the avatar | can be -1 if avataruuid is "none" or unable to see the avatar |
avatarz | the Z location as a number for the avatar | can be -1 if avataruuid is "none" or unable to see the avatar |
avatardistance | how far away the avatar is from the bot in meters | if avatarx/y/z values are -1 this will also be -1 |
Key | About | Example |
{IS} | the left and right values are the same | [botsim] {IS} homesimname |
{NOT} | the left and right values do not match | [avatardistance] {NOT} -1 |
{IS_UUID} | the left value checked to see if formatted as a UUID | [avataruuid] {IS_UUID} true |
{MISSING} | the left value does not contain the right value | [avatarname] {MISSING} lookup |
{CONTAINS} | the left value contains the right value | [message] {CONTAINS} magic thing |
{IN_GROUP} | checks if left avatar is in the right side group, note if unable to check the group/avatar this check will fail | [avataruuid] {IN_GROUP} groupuuidhere |
{NOT_IN_GROUP} | checks if left avatar is not in the right side group, note if unable to check the group/avatar this check will fail | [avataruuid] {NOT_IN_GROUP} groupuuidhere |
{LESSTHAN} | converts the left value to a number and checks to see if its less than the right value as a number | [avatardistance] {LESSTHAN} 5 |
{MORETHAN} | converts the left value to a number and checks to see if its more than the right value as a number | [avatarz] {MORETHAN} 100 |
{LOCKOUT} | gives true for the left value if in the lockout table, check with the right value | [avataruuid] {LOCKOUT} false |
{IS_EVEN} | checks if the left value as a number is even | [clockhour] {IS_EVEN} true |
{DIVISIBLE} | checks if the left value as a number is divisible by the right value as a number | [clockmin] {DIVISIBLE} 5 |
you can use any built in command, there is also these custom actions
- lockout=Key+mins
example lockout=[avataruuid]+60 adds the avatar uuid to the lockout table for 60 mins and this would be checked as follows [avataruuid] {LOCKOUT} false
lockout=magic+20 adds the magic to the lockout table for 20 mins and this would be checked as follows magic {LOCKOUT} false
"Event1Action1":"Say|||0~#~it is [clockhour]:[clockmin]"
"Event1Where1":"[avatarname] {MISSING} lookup",
"Event1Action1":"IM|||[avataruuid]~#~Hi there [avatarname] I ama bot",
"Event1Action1":"Say|||0~#~My Balance is [funds]",
"Event1Where1":"[avataruuid] {LOCKOUT} false",
"Event1Action1":"Say|||0~#~hi there [avatarname]",