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Package creation tutorial

Daniel R. Grayson edited this page Sep 17, 2019 · 1 revision

On Monday Grayson gave a brief overview of package writing, with this transcript:

Macaulay2, version 1.14
--loading configuration for package "FourTiTwo" from file /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/init-FourTiTwo.m2
--loading configuration for package "Topcom" from file /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/init-Topcom.m2
with packages: ConwayPolynomials, Elimination, IntegralClosure, InverseSystems, LLLBases, PrimaryDecomposition, ReesAlgebra,
               TangentCone, Truncations

i1 : 

Process M2 finished

+ M2 --no-readline --print-width 100
Macaulay2, version 1.14
--loading configuration for package "FourTiTwo" from file /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/init-FourTiTwo.m2
--loading configuration for package "Topcom" from file /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/init-Topcom.m2
with packages: ConwayPolynomials, Elimination, IntegralClosure, InverseSystems, LLLBases,
               PrimaryDecomposition, ReesAlgebra, TangentCone, Truncations

i1 : 1..100

o1 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
     27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50,
     51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,
     75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,
     99, 100)

o1 : Sequence

i2 : asdfsdf

o2 = asdfsdf

o2 : Symbol

i3 : dictionaryPath 

o3 = {Truncations.Dictionary, SimpleDoc.Dictionary, InverseSystems.Dictionary,
     ConwayPolynomials.Dictionary, ReesAlgebra.Dictionary, TangentCone.Dictionary,
     Classic.Dictionary, PrimaryDecomposition.Dictionary, IntegralClosure.Dictionary,
     LLLBases.Dictionary, Elimination.Dictionary, User#"private dictionary", User.Dictionary,
     Core.Dictionary, OutputDictionary, PackageDictionary}

o3 : List

i4 : keys IntegralClosure.Dictionary

o4 = {IntegralClosure$ringFromFractions, IntegralClosure$AllCodimensions, IntegralClosure$icMap,
     IntegralClosure$conductor, IntegralClosure$icFracP, IntegralClosure$Verbosity,
     ringFromFractions, IntegralClosure$integralClosures, AllCodimensions,
     IntegralClosure$RadicalCodim1, IntegralClosure$Keep, IntegralClosure$integralClosure,
     IntegralClosure$Index, IntegralClosure$idealizer, IntegralClosure$makeS2, icMap,
     IntegralClosure$icFractions, integralClosures, Keep, IntegralClosure$isNormal, conductor,
     icFracP, IntegralClosure$ConductorElement, Verbosity, makeS2, RadicalCodim1, integralClosure,
     isNormal, Index, idealizer, IntegralClosure$icPIdeal, ConductorElement, icFractions, icPIdeal}

o4 : List

i5 : loadPackage "Foo"

o5 = Foo

o5 : Package

i6 : loadPackage "Foo"
Foo.m2:1:1:(3):[7]: error: package Foo not reloaded; try Reload => true
Foo.m2:1:1:(3):[7]: --entering debugger (type help to see debugger commands)
Foo.m2:1:1-1:1: --source code:
newPackage "Foo"

ii7 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)

oo7 = Foo

oo7 : Package

ii8 : foo

oo8 = foo

oo8 : Symbol

ii9 : dictionaryPath 

oo9 = {Foo.Dictionary, Truncations.Dictionary, SimpleDoc.Dictionary, InverseSystems.Dictionary,
      ConwayPolynomials.Dictionary, ReesAlgebra.Dictionary, TangentCone.Dictionary,
      Classic.Dictionary, PrimaryDecomposition.Dictionary, IntegralClosure.Dictionary,
      LLLBases.Dictionary, Elimination.Dictionary, User#"private dictionary", User.Dictionary,
      Core.Dictionary, OutputDictionary, PackageDictionary}

oo9 : List

ii10 : keys Foo.Dictionary 

oo10 = {}

oo10 : List

ii11 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)

oo11 = Foo

oo11 : Package

ii12 : keys Foo.Dictionary 

oo12 = {Foo$foo, foo}

oo12 : List

ii13 : foo

oo13 = foo

oo13 : FunctionClosure

ii14 : foo 7

oo14 = 8

ii15 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)

oo15 = Foo

oo15 : Package

ii16 : foo 7

oo16 = 6

ii17 : bar

oo17 = bar

oo17 : Symbol

ii18 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)

oo18 = Foo

oo18 : Package

ii19 : keys Foo.Dictionary 

oo19 = {Foo$foo, bar, Foo$bar, foo}

oo19 : List

ii20 : Foo$foo

oo20 = foo

oo20 : FunctionClosure

ii21 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)

oo21 = Foo

oo21 : Package

ii22 : sin

oo22 = sin

oo22 : FunctionClosure

ii23 : sin .4

oo23 = .8

oo23 : RR (of precision 53)

ii24 : restart
Macaulay2, version 1.14
--loading configuration for package "FourTiTwo" from file /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/init-FourTiTwo.m2
--loading configuration for package "Topcom" from file /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/init-Topcom.m2
with packages: ConwayPolynomials, Elimination, IntegralClosure, InverseSystems, LLLBases,
               PrimaryDecomposition, ReesAlgebra, TangentCone, Truncations

i1 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)
--warning: symbol "sin" in Core.Dictionary is shadowed by a symbol in Foo.Dictionary
--  use the synonym Core$sin

o1 = Foo

o1 : Package

i2 : dictionaryPath 

o2 = {Foo.Dictionary, Truncations.Dictionary, SimpleDoc.Dictionary, InverseSystems.Dictionary,
     ConwayPolynomials.Dictionary, ReesAlgebra.Dictionary, TangentCone.Dictionary,
     Classic.Dictionary, PrimaryDecomposition.Dictionary, IntegralClosure.Dictionary,
     LLLBases.Dictionary, Elimination.Dictionary, User#"private dictionary", User.Dictionary,
     Core.Dictionary, OutputDictionary, PackageDictionary}

o2 : List

i3 : Core$sin .4

o3 = .389418342308651

o3 : RR (of precision 53)

i4 : help newPackage

o4 = newPackage


     The dictionaries for the symbols in the packages loaded by the user are moved out of the way to
     avoid conflicts, so just the standard pre-loaded packages are visible to the source code of the
     package.  In addition, the package SimpleDoc is made available.  If functions from additional
     packages are needed by the code in the new package, then "needsPackage" can be used (after the
     use of "newPackage") to provide them.  If functions from additional packages are needed by the
     user who will load the new package, then "needsPackage" can be used (before the use of
     "newPackage") to provide them.

     |i1 : newPackage("Foo",                                  |
     |          Version => "1.1",                             |
     |          Headline => "making Foo",                     |
     |          Configuration => { "foo" => 42, "bar" => "x" }|
     |          )                                             |
     |                                                        |
     |o1 = Foo                                                |
     |                                                        |
     |o1 : Package                                            |
     |i2 : endPackage "Foo"                                   |
     |                                                        |
     |o2 = Foo                                                |
     |                                                        |
     |o2 : Package                                            |

     The options can be recovered with "options" as follows.

     |i3 : options Foo                                              |
     |                                                              |
     |o3 = OptionTable{Authors => {}                               }|
     |                 AuxiliaryFiles => false                      |
     |                 CacheExampleOutput => null                   |
     |                 Certification => null                        |
     |                 Configuration => {foo => 42, bar => x}       |
     |                 Date => null                                 |
     |                 DebuggingMode => false                       |
     |                 Headline => making Foo                       |
     |                 HomePage => null                             |
     |                 InfoDirSection => Macaulay2 and its packages |
     |                 OptionalComponentsPresent => true            |
     |                 PackageExports => {}                         |
     |                 PackageImports => {}                         |
     |                 Reload => false                              |
     |                 UseCachedExampleOutput => false              |
     |                 Version => 1.1                               |
     |                                                              |
     |o3 : OptionTable                                              |
     |i4 : oo.Headline                                              |
     |                                                              |
     |o4 = making Foo                                               |
     |i5 : (options Core).Version                                   |
     |                                                              |
     |o5 = 1.14                                                     |

     Here is a template for a typical newPackage entry in a package.

         Headline => "one line description",
         Version => 0.1,
         Date => "month XX, 20XX",
         Authors => {
              {Name => "author1", Email => "email1", HomePage => "url1"}
              {Name => "author2", Email => "email2", HomePage => "url2"},
         DebuggingMode => false,
         HomePage => "",
         Configuration => {}

     Ways to use newPackage :

       * "newPackage(String)" -- package item: start a new package

o4 : DIV

i5 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)
Foo.m2:1:1:(3):[7]: error: newPackage: expected Version option of class String
Foo.m2:1:1:(3):[7]: --entering debugger (type help to see debugger commands)
Foo.m2:1:1-9:22: --source code:
    Headline => "compute foos",
    Version => 1.0,
    Date => "September 16, 2019",
    Authors => {
         {Name => "Dan", Email => "drg", HomePage => ""}
    DebuggingMode => false

ii6 : 

i7 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)
--warning: symbol "sin" in Core.Dictionary is shadowed by a symbol in Foo.Dictionary
--  use the synonym Core$sin

o7 = Foo

o7 : Package

i8 : viewHelp SimpleDoc

i9 : print packageTemplate "Foo"

i10 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)
Foo.m2:18:1:(2):[7]: error: line 4 of string: expected single indented line after Headline

i11 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)
Foo.m2:18:1:(2):[7]: error: empty list of examples encountered

i12 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)
--warning: symbol "sin" in Core.Dictionary is shadowed by a symbol in Foo.Dictionary
--  use the synonym Core$sin

o12 = Foo

o12 : Package

i13 : help Foo
--warning: tag has no documentation: Foo :: bar, key "bar", package null
--warning: tag has no documentation: Foo :: foo, key "foo", package null

o13 = Foo -- compute foos


      Here we compute foo of 8.

      |foo 8|



      This documentation describes version 0.1 of Foo.

      Source code

      The source code from which this documentation is derived is in the file Foo.m2 (see
      share/Macaulay2/Foo.m2 ).


        * Functions and commands
            * "bar"
            * "foo"
            * "sin" -- compute the sine

o13 : DIV

i14 : installPackage "Foo"
--warning: symbol "sin" in Core.Dictionary is shadowed by a symbol in Foo.Dictionary
--  use the synonym Core$sin
--installing package Foo in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/ with layout 1
--using package sources found in /Users/dan/
--storing raw documentation in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/lib/Macaulay2/Foo/cache/rawdocumentation-dcba-8.db
--closed the database
--running tests that are functions
--making example result files in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/example-output/
--making example results for Foo in file /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/example-output/___Foo.out
ulimit -c unlimited; ulimit -t 700; ulimit -m 850000; ulimit -v 850000; ulimit -s 8192; ulimit -n 512; cd /var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/1-rundir/; GC_MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE=400M /Applications/Macaulay2-1.14/bin/M2-binary --silent --print-width 77 --stop --int --no-readline --no-randomize -e 'needsPackage("Foo", Reload => true, FileName => "/Users/dan/Foo.m2")' <"/var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/0___Foo.m2" >>"/Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/example-output/___Foo.errors" 2>&1
--processing documentation nodes...
--assembling table of contents
--warning: symbol has no documentation: Foo :: bar, package Foo
--warning: symbol has no documentation: Foo :: sin, package Foo
--warning: symbol has no documentation: Foo :: foo, package Foo
--warning: 3 warning(s) occurred in documentation for package Foo
--making info file in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/info/
--completed info file moved to /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/info/
--making empty html pages in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/html/
--making html pages in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/html/
--making 'Foo : Index' in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/html/master.html
--making  Foo : Table of Contents' in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/html/toc.html
--file created: /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/lib/Macaulay2/Foo/.installed
--installed package Foo in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/

i15 : viewHelp Foo
stdio:14:1:(3): error: package Foo is not installed on the prefixPath

i16 : restart
Macaulay2, version 1.14
--loading configuration for package "FourTiTwo" from file /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/init-FourTiTwo.m2
--loading configuration for package "Topcom" from file /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/init-Topcom.m2
with packages: ConwayPolynomials, Elimination, IntegralClosure, InverseSystems, LLLBases,
               PrimaryDecomposition, ReesAlgebra, TangentCone, Truncations

i1 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)
--warning: symbol "sin" in Core.Dictionary is shadowed by a symbol in Foo.Dictionary
--  use the synonym Core$sin

o1 = Foo

o1 : Package

i2 : viewHelp Foo

i3 : foo 8

o3 = 7

i4 : installPackage "Foo"
--warning: symbol "sin" in Core.Dictionary is shadowed by a symbol in Foo.Dictionary
--  use the synonym Core$sin
--installing package Foo in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/ with layout 1
--using package sources found in /Users/dan/
--storing raw documentation in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/lib/Macaulay2/Foo/cache/rawdocumentation-dcba-8.db
--closed the database
--running tests that are functions
--making example result files in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/example-output/
--processing documentation nodes...
--assembling table of contents
--warning: symbol has no documentation: Foo :: bar, package Foo
--warning: symbol has no documentation: Foo :: sin, package Foo
--warning: symbol has no documentation: Foo :: foo, package Foo
--warning: 3 warning(s) occurred in documentation for package Foo
--making info file in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/info/
--completed info file moved to /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/info/
--making empty html pages in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/html/
--making html pages in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/html/
--making 'Foo : Index' in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/html/master.html
--making  Foo : Table of Contents' in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/share/doc/Macaulay2/Foo/html/toc.html
--file created: /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/lib/Macaulay2/Foo/.installed
--installed package Foo in /Users/dan/Library/Application Support/Macaulay2/local/

i5 : check Foo
--running test 0 of package Foo on line 36 in file ./Foo.m2
--    rerun with: check_0 "Foo"
--making test results in file /var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/1.out
ulimit -c unlimited; ulimit -t 700; ulimit -m 850000; ulimit -v 850000; ulimit -s 8192; ulimit -n 512; cd /var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/2-rundir/; GC_MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE=400M /Applications/Macaulay2-1.14/bin/M2-binary --silent --print-width 77 --stop --int --no-readline --no-randomize -e 'needsPackage("Foo", Reload => true, FileName => "/Users/dan/Foo.m2")' <"/var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/1.m2" >>"/var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/1.tmp" 2>&1

i6 : loadPackage ("Foo", Reload => true)
--warning: symbol "sin" in Core.Dictionary is shadowed by a symbol in Foo.Dictionary
--  use the synonym Core$sin

o6 = Foo

o6 : Package

i7 : check Foo
--running test 0 of package Foo on line 36 in file ./Foo.m2
--    rerun with: check_0 "Foo"
--making test results in file /var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/3.out
ulimit -c unlimited; ulimit -t 700; ulimit -m 850000; ulimit -v 850000; ulimit -s 8192; ulimit -n 512; cd /var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/4-rundir/; GC_MAXIMUM_HEAP_SIZE=400M /Applications/Macaulay2-1.14/bin/M2-binary --silent --print-width 77 --stop --int --no-readline --no-randomize -e 'needsPackage("Foo", Reload => true, FileName => "/Users/dan/Foo.m2")' <"/var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/3.m2" >>"/var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/3.tmp" 2>&1
/var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/3.tmp:0:1: (output file) error: Macaulay2 exited with status code 1
/var/folders/46/9b86vqxj4hjcngvy7kd7sb140000gn/T/M2-25507-0/3.m2:0:1: (input file)
M2: *** Error 1
stdio:7:1:(3): error: 1 error(s) occurred running tests for package Foo

i8 : 

Process M2 finished
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