This repo contains the validation scripts for the Federated Cox Regression Algorithm /~ Works with Vantage v2.3.4
- Input -- Beta Values Obtained from Training the Cox Regression Algorithm.
- Output -- Concordance Index
1. Clone the repository to your local machine
2. cd vtg.coxph_val/
3. The repo contains a [Dockerfile](/~ which can be used to build the docker image. Follow the commands below
- docker build -t <docker_image_name> .
- docker tag <docker_image_name> <docker_repository_name/docker_image_name>
- docker push <docker_repository_name/docker_image_name>
The code supplied in the repository comes with a data filtering script that is custom-built for the project Atomcat2. If you want to adapt it for your project, make changes to the file here
An example Jupyter Notebook can be found here
Run the notebook "atomCAT2validation_MockLocal.ipynb" , Fill in the inputs obtained from running the vtg.coxph mock client