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@MaartenGr MaartenGr released this 04 Jan 11:27
· 137 commits to master since this release


  • Calculate topic distributions with .approximate_distribution regardless of the cluster model used
    • Generates topic distributions on a document- and token-levels
    • Can be used for any document regardless of its size!
  • Fully supervised BERTopic
    • You can now use a classification model for the clustering step instead to create a fully supervised topic model
  • Manual topic modeling
    • Generate topic representations from labels directly
    • Allows for skipping the embedding and clustering steps in order to go directly to the topic representation step
  • Reduce outliers with 4 different strategies using .reduce_outliers
  • Install BERTopic without SentenceTransformers for a lightweight package:
    • pip install --no-deps bertopic
    • pip install --upgrade numpy hdbscan umap-learn pandas scikit-learn tqdm plotly pyyaml
  • Get meta data of trained documents such as topics and probabilities using .get_document_info(docs)
  • Added more support for cuML's HDBSCAN
    • Calculate and predict probabilities during fit_transform and transform respectively
    • This should give a major speed-up when setting calculate_probabilities=True
  • More images to the documentation and a lot of changes/updates/clarifications
  • Get representative documents for non-HDBSCAN models by comparing document and topic c-TF-IDF representations
  • Sklearn Pipeline Embedder by @koaning in #791



Personally, I believe that documentation can be seen as a feature and is an often underestimated aspect of open-source. So I went a bit overboard😅... and created an animation about the three pillars of BERTopic using Manim. There are many other visualizations added, one of each variation of BERTopic, and many smaller changes.


Topic Distributions

The difficulty with a cluster-based topic modeling technique is that it does not directly consider that documents may contain multiple topics. With the new release, we can now model the distributions of topics! We even consider that a single word might be related to multiple topics. If a document is a mixture of topics, what is preventing a single word to be the same?

approximate_distribution (1)

To do so, we approximate the distribution of topics in a document by calculating and summing the similarities of tokensets (achieved by applying a sliding window) with the topics:

# After fitting your model run the following for either your trained documents or even unseen documents
topic_distr, _ = topic_model.approximate_distribution(docs)

To calculate and visualize the topic distributions in a document on a token-level, we can run the following:

# We need to calculate the topic distributions on a token level
topic_distr, topic_token_distr = topic_model.approximate_distribution(docs, calculate_tokens=True)

# Create a visualization using a styled dataframe if Jinja2 is installed
df = topic_model.visualize_approximate_distribution(docs[0], topic_token_distr[0]); df


Supervised Topic Modeling

BERTopic now supports fully-supervised classification! Instead of using a clustering algorithm, like HDBSCAN, we can replace it with a classifier, like Logistic Regression.

prediction (2)

from bertopic import BERTopic
from bertopic.dimensionality import BaseDimensionalityReduction
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_20newsgroups
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

# Get labeled data
data= fetch_20newsgroups(subset='all',  remove=('headers', 'footers', 'quotes'))
docs = data['data']
y = data['target']

# Allows us to skip over the dimensionality reduction step
empty_dimensionality_model = BaseDimensionalityReduction()

# Create a classifier to be used instead of the cluster model
clf= LogisticRegression()

# Create a fully supervised BERTopic instance
topic_model= BERTopic(
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs, y=y)

Manual Topic Modeling

When you already have a bunch of labels and simply want to extract topic representations from them, you might not need to actually learn how those can predicted. We can bypass the embeddings -> dimensionality reduction -> clustering steps and go straight to the c-TF-IDF representation of our labels.

from bertopic import BERTopic
from bertopic.backend import BaseEmbedder
from bertopic.cluster import BaseCluster
from bertopic.dimensionality import BaseDimensionalityReduction

# Prepare our empty sub-models
empty_embedding_model = BaseEmbedder()
empty_dimensionality_model = BaseDimensionalityReduction()
empty_cluster_model = BaseCluster()

# Fit BERTopic without actually performing any clustering
topic_model= BERTopic(
topics, probs = topic_model.fit_transform(docs, y=y)

Outlier Reduction

Outlier reduction is an frequently-discussed topic in BERTopic as its default cluster model, HDBSCAN, has a tendency to generate many outliers. This often helps in the topic representation steps, as we do not consider documents that are less relevant, but you might want to still assign those outliers to actual topics. In the modular philosophy of BERTopic, keeping training times in mind, it is now possible to perform outlier reduction after having trained your topic model. This allows for ease of iteration and prevents having to train BERTopic many times to find the parameters you are searching for. There are 4 different strategies that you can use, so make sure to check out the documentation!

Using it is rather straightforward:

new_topics = topic_model.reduce_outliers(docs, topics)

Lightweight BERTopic

The default embedding model in BERTopic is one of the amazing sentence-transformers models, namely "all-MiniLM-L6-v2". Although this model performs well out of the box, it typically needs a GPU to transform the documents into embeddings in a reasonable time. Moreover, the installation requires pytorch which often results in a rather large environment, memory-wise.

Fortunately, it is possible to install BERTopic without sentence-transformers and use it as a lightweight solution instead. The installation can be done as follows:

pip install --no-deps bertopic
pip install --upgrade numpy hdbscan umap-learn pandas scikit-learn tqdm plotly pyyaml

Then, we can use BERTopic without sentence-transformers as follows using a CPU-based embedding technique:

from sklearn.pipeline import make_pipeline
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

pipe = make_pipeline(

topic_model = BERTopic(embedding_model=pipe)

As a result, the entire package and resulting model can be run quickly on the CPU and no GPU is necessary!

Document Information

Get information about the documents on which the topic was trained including the documents themselves, their respective topics, the name of each topic, the top n words of each topic, whether it is a representative document, and the probability of the clustering if the cluster model supports it. There are also options to include other metadata, such as the topic distributions or the x and y coordinates of the reduced embeddings that you can learn more about here.

To get the document info, you will only need to pass the documents on which the topic model was trained:

>>> topic_model.get_document_info(docs)

Document                               Topic	Name	                        Top_n_words                     Probability    ...
I am sure some bashers of Pens...	0	0_game_team_games_season	game - team - games...	        0.200010       ...
My brother is in the market for...      -1     -1_can_your_will_any	        can - your - will...	        0.420668       ...
Finally you said what you dream...	-1     -1_can_your_will_any	        can - your - will...            0.807259       ...
Think! It's the SCSI card doing...	49     49_windows_drive_dos_file	windows - drive - docs...	0.071746       ...
1) I have an old Jasmine drive...	49     49_windows_drive_dos_file	windows - drive - docs...	0.038983       ...