Using Long Short-Term Memory(LSTM) models to find out sarcastic contents in texts.
A subset of Prinston's SARC 2.0 corpus for sarcasm detection with size of 100,000 samples.
With the project's focus on the influence of conversational context, only 'label', 'comment' and 'parent_comment' columns are saved ('author' column is also saved but actually not used).
- train.csv: training set with size of 80,000 samples.
- val.csv: validation set with size of 10,000 samples.
- test.csv: test set with size of 10,000 samples.
Text Data Preprocessing: TorchText(0.4.0)
Pre-trained word vector: GloVe.6B.300d
Model Implementation: PyTorch(1.3.1)
Models are with/without conversational context and with/without attention mechanism. In total 4 LSTM models.
- Download all .csv and .py files
- Run -- change parameters/models in and
- See results in the console
- LSTM: 69.39%
- LSTM(context): 65.4%
- LSTM(attention): 69.73%
- LSTM(attention+context): 66.49%
- Try to separate comments and parent_comments into different networks (using Seq2Seq models)