Implementation of the Semantic Segmentation deepLab_V3 as described in paper Rethinking Atrous Convolution for Semantic Image Segmentation.
Meanwhile,our code incude Vortex pooling,which is described in paper Vortex Pooling: Improving Context Representation in Semantic Segmentation.
Python 3.6
git clone /~
cd gluon-cv/scripts/datasets
Then Place the dataset folder inside ./VOCdevkit_aug. If the folder does not exist, create it.
Download the Pre-trained model of Resnet50_v2 from,
Unzip it and change it's name to resnet50_v2.params. Then Place the pre-trained model in the main folder(./) .
Once you have the dataset . Just run the shell or use the command below. --train_epochs 46 --resume -1 --batch_size 16 --data_dir ./VOCdevkit_aug --base_architecture resnet_v2_50 --pre_trained_model resnet_v2_50.params --output_stride 16 --freeze_batch_norm 0 --initial_learning_rate 7e-3 --weight_decay 2e-4 --gpus 0,1 --max_iter 30000 --aspp_or_vortex 1
Follow the paper's description, for the first 30K iterator , set the batch size =16,output_stride=16 and freeze batch_norm=0(do not freeze batch_norm);for the last 30K iterator,set the batch size =8,output_stride=8 and freeze batch_norm=1 to freeze the batch norm parameters.
Include (1)The class of VOCSegDatase, which provide data used in DeeplabV3 training.
(2)SoftmaxCrossEntropyloss used in training.
Include (1)Trainning for the whole DeeplabV3;
(2)The calculate fo train and val ’s pix accuracy and mean_iou (they are copy form gluoncv)
Include the whole network architecture of DeeolabV3.
Meanwhile,our code incude Vortex pooling(the improvement of ASPP in DeepLabV3) ,which is described in paper Vortex Pooling: Improving Context Representation in Semantic Segmentation.You can set command (or --aspp_or_vortex 1 to use ASPP or set --aspp_or_vortex 2 to use Vortex Pooling.
(1) Just use the first 30K iterator. Pixel accuracy: Train:~95%, Val:~95%
**Mean Intersection over Union(mean Iou):** Train:~83%, Val:~73%
<200b> **Donwload model athere,password:8gno
(2)add the last 30K iterator.
**Pixel accuracy:** Train:~96%, Val:~96%
**Mean Intersection over Union(mean Iou):** Train:~83%, Val:~77%
<200b> **Donwload model athere,password:ycgi