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MNiedzielski committed Feb 16, 2020
1 parent ee6ec4d commit cb5a72a
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Showing 11 changed files with 4,158 additions and 11 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .aliases.common

This file was deleted.

195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions .aliases.common
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@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
# .aliases.common
# aliases for csh and tcsh
# Wed Nov 30 1988 Mark Niedzielski (niedziel@copper)
# Tue Feb 11 1992 mark niedzielski (min@iclil)

alias acreds gimme-aws-creds
alias back 'cd $old'
alias bye logout
alias c 'set d=`echo \!^* | sed "s/./\/&*/g"`; set d = `dirp $d`; cd $d || echo $d'
alias cd 'set tmp=$cwd; chdir \!*; set old=$tmp; sethdr'
alias cgrep "grep \!* *.[Cch]"
alias clean "\rm -f #* *~ .*~ *%"
alias nclone 'for i in aws-account aws-acra aws-lock aws-noc aws-supportbridge aws-updates devops-docs devops-tools puppet-acra puppet-base puppet-noc puppet-supportbridge puppet-updates python-lock python-noc retired-nasuni retired-rackspace static-dashboard; do git clone ssh://$i; done'
alias clpr 'vgrind \!* -t | lpr -t -h'
alias cprgb "cp \! \!; cp \!:1.grn \!:2.grn; cp \!:1.blu \!:2.blu; cp \!:1.doc \!:2.doc; cp \!:1.xbgr \!:2.xbgr"
alias cptree 'cd \!:1; tar cf - . | (cd \!:2; tar xpf -)'
alias debug 'dbxtool < /dev/null >& /dev/null \!* &'
alias df 'df -h'
alias dm gcloud deployment-manager
alias dmc gcloud deployment-manager deployments create
alias dmd gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete
alias dml gcloud deployment-manager deployments list
alias dmdes gcloud deployment-manager deployments describe
alias dots '/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.dots.git/ --work-tree=$HOME'
alias du 'du -sch'
alias ekdir 'ekfinger \!* | grep -v Connecting | less'
alias elpr 'enscript -r -B -h \!*'
alias emac emacsclient
alias f finger
alias ff 'find . -name \*\!*\* -print'
alias forall "find . -name '[a-z]*' -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c 'echo "\$0" && cd "\$0" && \!*' {} \;"
alias gab "find . -name '[a-z]*' -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c 'echo "\$0" && git -C "\$0" branch' {} \;"
alias gap "find . -name '[a-z]*' -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c 'echo "\$0" && git -C "\$0" pull --tags' {} \;"
# alias gaps "find . -name '[a-z]*' -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c 'echo "\$0" && git -C "\$0" status|grep Your|grep -v up-to-date' {} \;"
alias gaps "find . -name '[a-z]*' -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c 'echo "\$0" && git -C "\$0" status|grep Your|grep -v up-to-date;git -C "\$0" --no-pager log origin/master..HEAD --oneline' {} \;"
alias gc gcloud
alias gcl gcloud config list
alias gcp gcloud config set project
alias gcssh gcloud compute --project=thinking-cacao-499 ssh \!:1 -- bash
alias gcco 'gcc -O -fstrength-reduce -fforce-mem -fomit-frame-pointer -finline-functions'
alias gfind 'find \!:2 -type f -exec grep \!:1 {} \; -print'
alias gg 'grep -Rni \!:1 *'
alias gita "find . -name '[a-z]*' -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec sh -c 'echo "\$0" && git -C "\$0" \!*' {} \;"
# Git Branch Check
alias gitbc 'git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short) %(push:track)" refs/heads'
alias gits 'git -C \!*'
alias h history
alias hdr 'echo -n "]l\!*\"'
alias hp 'tooltool -f'
alias ifd input_from_defaults
alias ihdr 'echo -n "]L\!*\"'
alias ip 'set h=`ypmatch \!:1 hosts`; echo $h[1]'
alias isp tooltool -f
alias index 'ctags -v \!* | sort -f > index; vgrind -t -x index | lpr -t -JIndex; \rm -f index'
alias j jobs -l
# alias la '/bin/ls -FaC'
alias la '/bin/ls -a'
# alias ll '/bin/ls -FlaC'
alias ll '/bin/ls -lah'
alias l '/bin/ls -lh'
alias lb librato-spark.bash
alias lman 'nroff -man \!:1 | less'
alias lnrgb "ln -s \! \!; ln -s \!:2.grn \!:1.grn; ln -s \!:2.blu \!:1.blu; ln -s \!:2.doc \!:1.doc; ln -s \!:2.xbgr \!:1.xbgr"
alias ls '/bin/ls -C'
alias lpr2 'enscript -2rBh'
alias lt 'last | less'
alias ltc 'lastcomm | less'
alias mail Mail
alias mk 'rsh isis "cd `pwd`; make -k"'
alias mvrgb "mv \! \!; mv \!:1.grn \!:2.grn; mv \!:1.blu \!:2.blu; mv \!:1.doc \!:2.doc; mv \!:1.xbgr \!:2.xbgr"
alias nms 'tbl \!* | nroff -ms | more'
alias noc 'python $HOME/src/nasuni/devops-tools/'
alias nocl 'python $HOME/src/nasuni/devops-tools/ list'
alias open 'chmod go+r'
alias p 'set d=`echo \!^* | sed "s/./\/&*/g"`; set d = `dirp $d`; pd $d || echo $d'
alias pd 'set old=$cwd; pushd \!*; sethdr'
alias pd2 'set old=$cwd; pushd +2\!*; sethdr'
alias pd3 'set old=$cwd; pushd +3\!*; sethdr'
alias pd4 'set old=$cwd; pushd +4\!*; sethdr'
alias pd5 'set old=$cwd; pushd +5\!*; sethdr'
alias pd6 'set old=$cwd; pushd +6\!*; sethdr'
alias play 'gomf \!:*'
alias pn 'set x = `grep -i \!* ~/h/phones`; echo $x[3*] $x[2] $x[1]'
alias pop 'set old=$cwd; popd; sethdr'
# alias psg 'ps --no-headers -C \!*'
alias psg 'ps -ef | grep \!* | grep -v grep'
# alias psg- 'ps -auxww | grep \!* | grep -v grep'
# alias psg2 'ps -xuww | grep \!* | grep -v grep'
alias r "on -i \!:1 \!:2*"
alias rkill 'on \!:1 kill \!:2*'
alias rplay 'set tmp=`on -n \!:1 arch`; on -i \!:1 /local/wizards.$tmp/gomf \!:2*'
alias rm 'rm -i'
alias rpmq 'rpm -qa \*\!*\*'
alias rps "on \!:1 ps \!:2*"
alias rpsg 'on \!:1 ps -auxww | grep \!:2 | grep -v grep'
alias rpt "on \!:1 pt \!:2*"
alias rstart "on \!:1 kill -19 \!:2*"
alias rstop "on \!:1 kill -17 \!:2*"
alias rtop 'set tmp=`on -n \!:1 arch`; on -i \!:1 /local/wizards.$tmp/top \!:2*'
alias rw 'on \!:1 w'
alias rzap 'set j=`rps \!:1 ax | grep \!:2* | grep -v grep`; rkill \!:1 -9 `echo $j[1]`'
# alias rzap 'set j=`rpsg \!:1 \!:2*`; rkill \!:1 -9 `echo $j[1]`'
alias sd 'screendump | rasfilter8to1 | pssun -r -S 8 | lpr'
alias shut 'chmod go-r'
alias start kill -19
alias stop kill -17
alias sys "(uptime; ps -auxww) | less"
alias the 'll `which \!:1`'
alias trigp 'aws --profile production_account codecommit put-repository-triggers --repository-name \!:1 --cli-input-json file://\!:1.triggers.json'
alias tt 'tooltool -f \!*.tt'
alias ucon '\rm ~/.exit'
alias x exit
alias xb 'setenv DISPLAY'
alias xd 'setenv DISPLAY `ip develop`:0'
alias ymlint ruby -r yaml -e "YAML.load_file\(\'\!:1\'\)"
alias halint "find . -name '*.yaml' -exec ruby -debug -r yaml -e 'YAML.load_file('{}')' \;"
alias z suspend
# alias zap 'set j=`ps x | grep \!* | grep -v grep`; kill -9 `echo $j[1]`'
alias zap 'set j=`ps -ef | grep \!* | grep -v grep`; kill -9 `echo $j[2]`'
# alias zap 'kill -TERM `ps --no-headers -o pid -C \!*`'

alias 24z screen off
alias 25z screen on

# sccs stuff
# alias delta sccs delta
# alias deledit sccs deledit
# alias delget sccs delget
# alias edit sccs edit
# alias fix sccs fix
# alias get sccs get
# alias info sccs info
# alias prt sccs prt

alias .. 'cd ..'

alias + %+
alias - %-

alias 1 %1
alias 2 %2
alias 3 %3
alias 4 %4
alias 5 %5
alias 6 %6
alias 7 %7
alias 8 %8
alias 9 %9
alias 10 %10
alias 11 %11
alias 12 %12
alias 13 %13
alias 14 %14
alias 15 %15
alias 16 %16

alias k1 kill -9 %1
alias k2 kill -9 %2
alias k3 kill -9 %3
alias k4 kill -9 %4
alias k5 kill -9 %5
alias k6 kill -9 %6
alias k7 kill -9 %7
alias k8 kill -9 %8
alias k9 kill -9 %9
alias k10 kill -9 %10
alias k11 kill -9 %11
alias k12 kill -9 %12
alias k13 kill -9 %13
alias k14 kill -9 %14
alias k15 kill -9 %15
alias k16 kill -9 %16

# real bizzare things ....
# Thu Jul 7 07:59:11 1988 Mark Reichert x25948 (niedziel@copper)

#alias worm_on "rsh \!:1 \"setenv TERM sun; worms \!:3* | cat -u > /dev/\!:2\""
alias ow on \!:1 "echo -n '' > /dev/\!:2"
alias cw on \!:1 "echo -n '' > /dev/\!:2"
alias ew on \!:1 "echo -n '' > /dev/\!:2"
alias hw on \!:1 "echo -n '' > /dev/\!:2"
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .aliases.csh

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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions .aliases.csh
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# .aliases.csh
# aliases for csh and tcsh
# Wed Nov 30 1988 Mark Niedzielski (niedziel@copper)
# Thu Oct 7 1993 Mark Niedzielski v1.4 (min@napa)

alias sethdr 'set prompt="\\
`basename $cwd` \! > "; if ("${tty}" != /dev/console) echo -n "]l${user}@${hostname}: ${cwd}\"'
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .aliases.tcsh

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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions .aliases.tcsh
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# .aliases.tcsh
# aliases for tcsh (obviously)
# Mon July 18 10:11:22 1988 Mark Niedzielski (niedziel@snowmass)

# cmd executed before every prompt, see tcsh(1)
#alias precmd 'echo " " ; echo $HOST'
alias precmd 'history -S'
alias postcmd 'history -M'

#alias sethdr 'echo -n "]l${USER}@${HOST} ${cwd} \ "'
#alias sethdr 'echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/#$HOME/~}\007"'
alias sethdr 'echo -n "]l${USER}@${HOST} ${cwd} \ "'
alias clrhdr 'echo -n "]l \ "'
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .common-completion.tcsh

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98 changes: 98 additions & 0 deletions .common-completion.tcsh
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# directories
complete cd 'C/*/d/'
complete rmdir 'C/*/d/'
complete lsd 'C/*/d/'

# signal names
# also note that the initial - can be created with the first completion
# but without appending a space (note the extra slash with no
# append character specified)
complete kill 'c/-/S/' 'p/1/(-)//'

# use available commands as arguments for which, where, and man
complete which 'p/1/c/'
complete where 'p/1/c/'
complete man 'p/1/c/'

# aliases
complete alias 'p/1/a/'
complete unalias 'p/1/a/'

# variables
complete unset 'p/1/s/'
complete set 'p/1/s/'

# environment variables
complete unsetenv 'p/1/e/'
complete setenv 'p/1/e/'
#(kinda cool: complete first arg with an env variable, and add an =,
# continue completion of first arg with a filename. complete 2nd arg
# with a command)
complete env 'c/*=/f/' 'p/1/e/=/' 'p/2/c/'

# limits
complete limit 'p/1/l/'

# key bindings
complete bindkey 'C/*/b/'

# groups
complete chgrp 'p/1/g/'

# users
complete chown 'p/1/u/'

# You can use complete to provide extensive help for complex commands
# like find.
# Please check your version before using these completions, as some
# differences may exist.
complete find 'n/-name/f/' 'n/-newer/f/' 'n/-{,n}cpio/f/' \
'n/-exec/c/' 'n/-ok/c/' 'n/-user/u/' 'n/-group/g/' \
'n/-fstype/(nfs 4.2)/' 'n/-type/(b c d f l p s)/' \
'c/-/(name newer cpio ncpio exec ok user group fstype type atime \
ctime depth inum ls mtime nogroup nouser perm print prune \
size xdev)/' \

# set up cc to complete only with files ending in .c, .a, and .o
complete cc 'p/*/f:*.[cao]/'

# of course, this completes with all current completions
complete uncomplete 'p/*/X/'

# complex completion for ln
# In all cases, if you start typing, it completes with a filename
# But if you complete without typing anything you get this:
# first argument: adds "-s"
# arguments that follow -s: reminds you of which argument is expected
complete ln 'C/?/f/' 'p/1/(-s)/' 'n/-s/x:[first arg is path to original file]/' 'N/-s/x:[second arg is new link]/'

# set a printer list, for use with all print related commands
set printerlist=(hp1 hp2 color)
complete lp 'c/-d/$printerlist/'
complete lpstat 'p/1/$printerlist/'
complete lpq 'c/-P/$printerlist/'
complete lpr 'c/-P/$printerlist/'
complete enscript 'c/-d/$printerlist/'

# set a list of hosts, for use with rlogin
set hostlist=(foo bar baz)
complete rlogin 'p/1/$hostlist/'
complete rsh 'p/1/$hostlist/' 'p/2/c/'
complete ssh 'p/1/$hostlist/' 'p/2/c/'

# rcp and scp allow arguments to be references to either local or remote
# files. It's impossible to complete remote files, but its useful to assume
# that the remote file structure is similar to the local one.
# when you first start typing, it could be any of a username, hostname,
# or filename. But filename is probably the most useful case, so:
# complete arguments as regular filenames, with following exceptions
# if "@" has been typed, complete with a hostname, and append a colon (:)
# if ":" has been typed, complete with a filename relative to home directory
# if ":/" has been typed, complete with a filename relative to root directory
complete rcp "c,*:/,F:/," "c,*:,F:$HOME," 'c/*@/$hostlist/:/'
complete scp "c,*:/,F:/," "c,*:,F:$HOME," 'c/*@/$hostlist/:/'
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion .cshrc

This file was deleted.


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