Rickroll someone's Windows desktop, restoring their original background occasionally to drive them mad.
Optionally restore the original background on mouse and/or keyboard activity.
For more fun, set this on auto-run through use of the registry, services, injecting into PowerShell modules, or more.
Disclaimer: I'm not responsible if this annoys blue or any other end user. I do not claim ownership over any referenced images or URLs, use at your own risk!
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iwr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MJVL/Invoke-Rick/main/Invoke-Rick.ps1 -OutFile Invoke-Rick.ps1; .\Invoke-Rick.ps1
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NonInteractive -c "iwr https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MJVL/Invoke-Rick/main/Invoke-Rick.ps1 -OutFile Invoke-Rick.ps1; .\Invoke-Rick.ps1"
.\Invoke-Rick.ps1 [[-URL] <String>] [[-ImagePath] <String>]
[[-FrameDelay] <TimeSpan>] [[-FakeoutDelay] <TimeSpan>] [[-FakeoutDuration] <TimeSpan>] [[-EndTime] <DateTime>]
[-WatchMouse] [-WatchKeyboard] [[-ActivityDelay] <TimeSpan>] [<CommonParameters>]
-URL <String>
Location of zip containing rickroll images. Default = imgur zip.
-ImagePath <String>
Location to save image frames. Default = C:\Windows\Temp\Rick.
-FrameDelay <TimeSpan>
Delay between each frame. Default = 1 second.
-FakeoutDelay <TimeSpan>
How long to rickroll until returning to the normal background. Default = 1 minute.
-FakeoutDuration <TimeSpan>
How long to remain on the normal background during a fakeout. Default = 5 minutes.
-EndTime <DateTime>
Absolute time to kill Invoke-Rick at. Default = run forever.
-WatchMouse [<SwitchParameter>]
Restore normal background if mouse movement is detected. Polling rate is linked with -FrameDelay.
-WatchKeyboard [<SwitchParameter>]
Restore normal background if keypresses is detected. Polling rate is linked with -FrameDelay.
-ActivityDelay <TimeSpan>
How long to remain on the normal background after detecting movement from the mouse or keyboard. Default = 1
Show debug information.
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
PS>iex powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -NonInteractive -c "iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MJVL/Invoke-Rick/blob/main/Invoke-Rick.ps1'))"
Download and run this script remotely.
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
PS>.\Invoke-Rick.ps1 -WatchMouse -WatchKeyboard -ActivityDelay (New-TimeSpan -Seconds 30)
Rickroll, restoring the original background for 30 seconds if keyboard or mouse activity is detected.
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------
PS>.\Invoke-Rick.ps1 -FakeoutDuration (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 2) -EndTime ((Get-Date).AddMinutes(5))
Rickroll for 5 minutes, showing the user's original background every 2 minutes.
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------
PS>.\Invoke-Rick.ps1 -Verbose
Show debug information.
-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------
PS>Get-Help .\Invoke-Rick.ps1 -Detailed
Get detailed help.