A simple responsive online platform built on Django which allows people to get together and organise football matches in their own neighbourhood.
Notable features:
- Allows one to organise and browse football matches in the neighbourhood
- Enables users to create their own user profile along an extended user model
- Users are able to communicate with each other through a messaging platform linked to each match
- Through GeoPy and the Google Maps API match locations are pinpointed for each event
- Built using the Django authentication system (using custom password reset templates)
- Includes mail templates (from MailChimp) for sign up confirmation and password resets
- Python 3.5.1 - The python version used
- Django 2.0 - The web framework used
- GeoPy 1.11 - The geocoding web service used
- Django-Bootstrap3 9.1 - For Bootstrap3 integration
- Django-Braces 1.11 - For Mixins
- Pip 9.01 - Recommended tool for installing Python packages
- Install the packages above by means of Pip
- In your terminal go into the project's root folder and type in the below to collect all static assets:
python manage.py collectstatic
Link to your own SQL database in settings.py (or skip this step if you would like to proceed along Django's standard SQLite database)
Get a Google Maps API key and insert it in the following templates:
- events/event_form.html
- events/event_detail.html
- event/event_update_form.html
make migrations and migrate
create a superuser ("python manage.py createsuperuser")
create a site in the admin panel (and put the corresponding site_id in your settings.py file)
hit 'python manage.py runserver' and enjoy!