a customizable bot that takes top memes of the day from r/subreddit
and posts them on your instagram page
1. Heroku SetUp Video Guide
install any LTS
(latest recommended) -
clone/fork and clone to your local repository
git clone /~https://github.com/LucidMach/taewonsu.git
install all dependencies
// using yarn yarn // using npm npm i
create a file
and set the following environment variablesIG_USERNAME=#{your_username} IG_PASSWORD=#{your_password} R_SUB=#{subreddit_name} IG_HASHTAGS=#{list of hashtags}
NOTE: to customize caption you'll have to dig into the code yourself... cuz this project was started with the major intention being creditting the original creators
SIDE-NOTE: DO NOT type in the #{}
test it locally on your machine with:
// requires typescript so might need tsc being installed globally yarn dev // doesn't require typescript yarn start
this repo is preconfigured for a heroku deploy...
don't forget to include the env variable in heroku's config variables
setup a
that'll trigger the bot every day/hr (IFTTT recommended)7.a. create a new applet at IFTTT
7.b. set
if this
condition to day and time7.c. set applet to trigger at a specific time
7.d. set
then that
condition to webhooks7.e. set URL for webhook