The ultimate static generated documentation theme for the JAM-stack. Highly customizable, based on Gridsome, ready to deploy to Netlify in one click. DEMO
Beware, Jamdocs is still in heavy development and will probably cahnge a lot in the near future. And the docs for it is still not completed.
Jamdocs is optimized to be as fast as possible, right now generating 100/100/100/100 score in Google Lighthouse. And 100/100 score in Google Page Speed Insights.
git clone /~ project-name
.cd project-name
gridsome develop
See the demo, which is also the documentation, obviously!
- Improve the actual documentation for Jamdocs, in Jamdocs :)
Build the homepage better, dividing stuff into components and so on.- Implement Algolia search.
Add a link to this repository from the demo.
- Creds to the Netlify team for making an awesome all in one hosting soluiton for the JAM-stack.
- Creds to the Gridsome team for developing a great foundation to build static sites.
- Creds to Evan You for making Vue.
- Creds to Cole Bemis for making feathericons, my favourite icon set.
- Creds to Egoist, who's not that egoistic. Because he made vue-feather-icons.
Enjoy Jamdocs, and if you like and use this project commercially, please consider sponsoring on Github since I have put a lot of spare time into this.