🔭 I’m currently working on Supernova ( a university rocket team 🚀)
🎓currently cursing eletrical engineering at Federal University Of Juiz de Fora
🌱 I’m currently learning Python 🐍, C++ ➕, Linux 🐧 and Docker 🐋
⚙️ I’m looking to collaborate on any project that involves IoT, rocket science
🤔 I’m looking for help with all my limited (not forever) knowledge to improve my technical and soft skills
💬 Ask me about my academic life and something about rockets 😁
📫 How to reach me: araujojv04@yahoo.com or you can visit my Linkedin page
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun fact: I have discovered the programming area for less then two years and now I am super interested in work as a developer to solve some problens that avery person faces on it dayli base or design porgrams and scripts for the aerospace industry.
My first contact with programming lenguages was when I was 15, I had downloaded the grasshooper app from google and used the app for almost 5 mounths. Years later I have started at college and had my first class of programming logic, after one semester learning C during the programming logic lessons, I had a challenge to figure out how to make a lora V2 1276 works with a raspberry pi 2w on a python script. I have started learning python since then but, recently, I've decided to learn other subjects such as linux and C++ to increase my technical knwoledge on embedded systems (my carrer goal).
- I took part on the largest sounding rocket competition of the world (Spaceport America CUP 🚀👨🚀). RTepresenting my state (Minas Gerais), my country (Brazil) and getting a good position for our first participation, we got 23 of 151 teams;
- I became the manager of the satellite core of my team;
- I took part in an article while I as in the second semester of the college.
To be honest I have a lot of goals on my list, but the main goals are:
- Get a job as a developer working for a national or international company;
- Develop more skills and increase the ones I already have;
- Get my C2 leve certificate of english;
- Win the Spaceport America showing to the world that here, in Brazil, we are able to do anything.