This repo is an implementation of Computational Design of High-level Interlocking Puzzles [Chen et al. 2022]. Commercial licensing is available upon request. If you have any problems when using this code, you can contact me any time through
If you make use of this repo in your scientific work, please cite our paper. For your convenience, you can use the following bibtex snippet:
@article {Chen-2022-HighLevelPuzzle,
author = {Rulin Chen and Ziqi Wang and Peng Song and Bernd Bickel},
title = {Computational Design of High-level Interlocking Puzzles},
journal = {ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2022)},
volume = {41},
number = {4},
pages = {150:1 -- 150:15},
year = {2022}}
- About
- Getting Started
- GUI Interface
- Create a level-12 Cube Puzzle by Yourself !
- Authors
- Acknowledgments
This repo presents a computational approach to design high-level interlocking puzzles. We implemented our computational design tool in C++ and libigl
[Jacobson et al. 2018] on a desktop computer with 3.6 GHz 8-Core Intel processor and 16 GB RAM.
Our code can be ran on MacOS and Unbuntu (Linux) system. First clone the repository, run CMake to generate Makefiles or CMake/Visual Studio project files, and the rest should just work automatically.
- MacOS and Ubuntu(Linux):
$ cd [current folder path]
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make -j 16
The integer following make -j is the number of threads supported by your CPU architecture. Replace it with your optimal value.
- Windows: currently unavailable.
The control panel is shown below. There are 6 components in the control panel: Parameter Control, Status Bar, High Level Puzzle Constructor, Modify High Level Puzzle, Assembly State Viewer and Render Control.
Piece Number
Determine the number of pieces K.Level of Difficulty
Determine the level of difficulty L. The program will keep running until constructing a puzzle with level of difficulty equal or higher than L.Seed Number
With the same seed number, users can regenerate the same puzzle as before.Puzzle Tolerance
This parameter is set for fabrication only, which can control the gap between pieces. -
Our program can read 2 types of input files: .puz and .vol file.Construct
Construct the K piece level-L puzzle with given import volume.Save Puz
Save puzzle generated by our program.Reset
Reset all parameters. -
Target Level (Modify)
The target level after modifying current puzzle.Modifying
Start modifying currrent puzzle. -
Disassembly Step
Determine the disassembly step.Prev
Previous disassembly step.Next
Next disassembly step. -
Control the object visualization state.
Puzzle State
Indicate state (e.g. interlocking and deadlocking) of current puzzle.Level of Difficulty
Level of difficult of current puzzle.
These instructions gives an example to you of how to use our code to generate high-level interlocking puzzle by yourself. To generate high-level interlocking puzzles efficiently, it is usually necessary to modify the puzzle pieces. For example, to generate a level-12 cube puzzle, we first constrct a level-6 cube puzzle and modify it to level-12 puzzle; see Section 4 in our paper for detailed explanation of construction and modifying algorithm.
Import a Cube_5x5x5_E1.vol volume file by clicking read
Set the Level of Difficulty
as 6 and click the Construct
button to create a piece-4 level-6 cube puzzle.
Set the Target Level (Modify)
as 12 and click the Modify
button to start modifying.
Click the Next
to visualize how to disassemble the current puzzle.
Set the Puzzle Tolerance
greater than 0 to create gaps between pieces. Here we suggest to set 0.005. Lastly, you can click Save Puz
to save the .puz file and .obj files of each piece that can be used for fabrication.
We thank the reviewers for the valuable comments, David Gontier for sharing the source code of the baseline design approach, and Christian Hafner for proofreading the paper. This work was supported by the SUTD start-up Research Grant (Number: SRG ISTD 2019 148), and the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 715767 - MATERIALIZABLE).