This is an API for a application that allows users to find gyms and check-in at them.
- This is an API for a application that allows users to find gyms and check-in at them.
- The API allows users to register, authenticate, find gyms, check-in at gyms, and more.
- The API is built using Node.js, Fastify, Prisma, and PostgreSQL, using SOLID principles and TDD.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You will need to have the following installed on your machine:
With the prerequisites installed, and with docker running, you can run the following commands to get the project up and running:
- Clone the repository or download the zip file and extract it:
git clone /~
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Create a
file in the root of the project with the following content:
- Start the database:
docker-compose up -d
- Run the migrations:
npx prisma migrate dev
- Start the server:
npm run dev
The project is structured as follows:
├── .github: folder where the project's GitHub actions are located.
├── prisma: folder where the Prisma configuration files are located, with the schema and migrations.
├── src: folder where application files are located.
│ ├── @types: folder where jwt types are located.
│ ├── env: folder where environment variables are located.
│ ├── http: folder where are located the folders that contain the routes, controllers with it's e2e tests, and the middlewares.
│ ├── lib: folder where the files that contain the configuration of the dependencies used in the application are located.
│ ├── repositories: folder where the folders that contain the interfaces, implementations, and the in-memory implementation of the repositories are located.
│ ├── use-cases: folder where are located the application's use cases with it's unit tests, the errors handlers an the factories, that are responsible for abstracting the creation of the use cases.
│ ├── utils: folder where the files that contain utility functions are located.
│ ├── app.ts: file that contains the application configuration.
│ └── server.ts: file that contains the server configuration.
└── vitest-environment: folder where the environment configuration for the e2e tests is located.
The tests are divided into unit tests and e2e tests. To run the tests, you can run the following commands:
- To run the unit tests:
npm run test
- To run the e2e tests:
npm run test:e2e
Remember that to run the e2e tests, the database must be running.
- To run the tests with coverage, you can run the following commands:
npm run test:coverage
The e2e tests test the application's routes, controllers, and middlewares, simulating the user's interaction with the application.
- Users must be able to register;
- Users must be able to authenticate;
- Users must be able to retrieve the profile of a logged-in user;
- Users must be able to obtain the number of check-ins performed by the logged-in user;
- Users must be able to retrieve their check-in history;
- Users must be able to search for nearby gyms (until 10km);
- Users must be able to search for gyms by name;
- Users must be able to check in at a gym;
- Users must be able to validate a user's check-in;
- Admins must be able to register a gym;
- Users must not be able to register with a duplicate email;
- Users cannot check in twice on the same day;
- Users cannot check in if they are not close (100m) to the gym;
- Check-ins can only be validated up to 20 minutes after creation;
- Check-ins can only be validated by admins;
- Gyms can only be registered by admins;
- User passwords need to be encrypted;
- Application data must be persisted in a PostgreSQL database;
- All data lists must be paginated with 20 items per page;
- Users must be identified by a JSON Web Token (JWT);
To use the API, you can use the following routes:
POST /users - Register a user
POST /sessions - Authenticate a user
GET /me - Retrieve the profile of a logged-in user
PATCH /token/refresh - Refresh the user's JWT token
POST /gyms - Register a gym (only for admins)
GET /gyms/nearby - Retrieve a list of gyms near the user
GET /gyms/search - Retrieve a list of gyms by name
POST /gyms/:gymId/check-ins - Check in at a gym
- Params: gymId
GET /check-ins/history - Retrieve the check-in history of the logged-in user
GET /check-ins/metrics - Retrieve the number of check-ins performed by the logged-in user
PATCH /check-ins/:checkInId/validate - Validate a user's check-in (only for admins)
- Params: checkInId