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Permission library specifically designed to be used together with express but with no real dependencies. In its simplest form it implements RBAC but it let also define roles that user can take on with respect to the resource.


We started to build this library because our team needed a permission library that could evaluate the permissions of a user based on his/her role in the application and with respect to the resource taken into consideration.

In particular the library lets you:

  • define roles
  • define resources and their own specific roles (called resource-roles)
  • define permissions for each role and resource-role with respect of each resource
  • define a list of query-conditions to filter out resources starting from user roles
  • use express middleware to manage user access on resources

Permissions are attribute-based, this means that you can specify a list of resource attributes to limit the effect of an action.


For example, let's consider we have to build a ticketing system with these requirements:

  • user has one or more Roles among: Owner, Member, Customer
  • every ticket has an author, an assignee and 0 or more watchers
  • ticket can be assigned to one user

We can immediately see that every user has a Role in the application (Owner, Member or Customer) and one or more roles with respect to the ticket; we want to define permissions based on all of them. For example, let's think about read, update, assign and comment permissions. We could state that:


  • the Owner can read ANY ticket
  • a Member can read ANY ticket
  • a Customer can read only tickets in which is involved (i.e. he is either the author or one of the watchers)


  • the Owner can assign ANY ticket
  • a Member can assign tickets he/she has created (he/she is the author)
  • a Customer cannot assign tickets


  • the Owner can comment ANY ticket
  • authors, watchers and assignees can comment their OWN tickets
  • a Customers cannot comment any tickets


  • the Owner can comment ANY ticket
  • authors can update their own tickets
  • watcher and assignees cannot update tickets
  • a Member can always update ticket titles in the tickets they are involved in

Our ticket library let the user define:

  • user Roles (Owner, Member, Customer)
  • resources (ticket, attachment)
  • role permissions

Defining ROLES

First, we want to define user roles. Create a new file roles.js and insert the code that will define roles and their correspondent labels:

// roles as an array of objects defining the name and the label of each one
const roles = [{
  name: 'owner',
  label: 'Owner'
}, {
  name: 'member',
  label: 'Member'
}, {
  name: 'customer',
  label: 'Customer'

module.exports = roles


Resources are more complicated to define. For each resource we have to explicitly write:

  • the actions that could be performed by users
  • the resourceRoles that a user can have with respect to the resource itself
  • the resourceRolePermissions that will define generic permission on the resource
  • a custmom getRoles function that will return the roles and the resourceRoles of the user that will be evaluated

Let's create a new file ticket.js and define resource roles permissions such that authors, watchers and assignees can read and comment tickets.

// always define resources with actions
// if the user can assume particular roles with respect to the resource you have to specify resource-roles
// at this point you need to define a function that returns user roles and user resource-roles
// if you specify resource-roles you probably want to specify generic resource-role permissions for every action
module.exports = {
  resourceRoles: ['author', 'watcher', 'assignee'],
  actions: ['read', 'assign', 'comment'],
  resourceRolePermissions: {
    author: {
      read: true,
      comment: true,
      update: true
    watcher: {
      read: true,
      comment: true
    assignee: {
      read: true,
      comment: true,
  getRoles: (user, ticket) => {
    const roles = user.roles
    const resourceRoles = []

    if (ticket.watchers.includes( {
    if ( === {
    if (ticket.assignee === {
    return {


Finally we can define roles permissions. The permissions-object defines permissions on every resource and role. Possible values for each permission are:

  • a boolean
  • an array of strings defining which attributes the user has the permission on (especially useful for read and update permissions)
  • a resourceRolePermission to overwrite generic resource role permissions

let's create a permissions.js file

const { ANY } = require('node-pseudo-rbac/core')

module.exports = {
  ticket: {
    owner: {
    // owners can read, update, assign and comment regardless their role in the ticket
      read: ANY,
      assign: true,
      comment: ANY,
      update: ANY
    // overwrite generic assign and update behaviour for Member role
    member: {
      read: ANY,
      assign: {
        author: true
      update: ['title']
    //Customers cannot comment any ticket
    customer: {
      comment: false

Configure rbac

now we have to configure the rbac instance with all the created conf. Let's do this in a rbac.js file

const Rbac = require('node-pseudo-rbac')
const roles = require('./roles')
const ticket = require('./ticket')
const permissions = require('./permissions')

const rbac = new Rbac()


// or
// const rbac = new Rbac({
//  roles,
//  ticket,
//  permissions
// })

module.exports = rbac

Apply the Permission MIDDLEWARE

const rbac = require('./rbac')
const express = require('express');

const app = express()

app.param('ticketId', (req, res, next, id) => {
  req.ticket = myGetTicketFunc(id)

// req.user e req["resourceName"] should be defined like the resource we want to test permissions on
app.get('tickets/:ticketId',myAuthMiddleware, rbac.canMiddleware('read', 'ticket'), myGetTicketController)

If the user has the permission to access the controller, then the library will place a permissionRes attribute in the req object.
permissionRes has the following structure:

  matches[ // the list of permission matches (for debugging purposes)
      match: {
      value: boolean | ANY,
      attributes: string[]
  value: boolean | ANY, // the global value of the permission
  attributes: string[] // the list of attributes that the user can access for the specified action


Another important feature lets you define for each resource - and for each role (including resource-roles) - the filters, you need to apply to your preferred DB, to list all the possible instances of that resource.
Considering the previous example, we know that:

  • Members and Owners can read any ticket
  • Customers can read only tickets in which they are involved

Defining filterGetters

Members and Customers can read any ticket, so there's no need to apply any filter to the resource.
However we still have to define what does it means to be involved in a ticket and we can achieve this result describing the filters that characterize resource roles:


// always define resources with actions
// if the user can assume particular roles with respect to the resource you have to specify resource-roles
// at this point you need to define a function that returns user roles and user resource-roles
// if you specify resource-roles you probably want to specify generic resource-role permissions for every action
module.exports = {
-   resourceRoles: ['author', 'watcher', 'assignee'],
+   resourceRoles: [{
+     name: 'author',
+     resourceFilterGetter: (user) => {
+       return [{ author: }]
+     }
+   }, {
+     name: 'watcher',
+     resourceFilterGetter: (user) => {
+       return [{ watchers: }]
+     }
+   }, {
+     name: 'assignee',
+     resourceFilterGetter: (user) => {
+       return [{ assignee: }]
+     }
+   }],
  actions: ['read', 'assign', 'comment'],

Here we supposed to deal with a no-sql db but the resourceFilterGetter return-value could be any type of array.
Even Roles can have filter getters and you can define them specifying the resourceFilterGetters property in the following way:

const Rbac = require('node-pseudo-rbac')

const rbac = new Rbac()

rbac.addRole('Tester', {
  resourceFilterGetters: {
    ticket: (user) => {
      return [{ tester: }]

Applying the filter middleware

Applying the filter middleware is as simple as for any other middleware:

const rbac = require('./rbac')
const express = require('express');

const app = express()

app.get('tickets/',myAuthMiddleware, rbac.filterMiddleware('ticket'), myTicketListController)

Once executed, the filter middleware will populate the permissionFilters property of the req object containing the array of your predefined filters accordingly to the roles of your user.

Obviously if a user has no read permission on the resource he will receive a 401 error. On the other hand, a user that can read any ticket, results in an empty permissionFilters array.


You can customize the behavior of the middleware in case the user does not have any permission. You only need to add a permissionDeniedCallback to the Rbac definition, in this way:

const rbac = new Rbac({permissionDeniedCallback: (req, res) => {
  console.log("'tacci tua");


This library was inspired by /~