Allows for easy registration of custom chat commands such as /command
, complete with autocomplete
The library will handle multiple commands in a single string - if any are marked shouldDisplayToChat
, then a single chat message is created with all commands stripped.
As of v1.2.0, Core Command autocomplete is included as part of the library
"name": "_chatcommands",
"type": "module",
"manifest": "/~"
Type: string
The chat command, such as "/command"
Type: function
The function to invoke when the command is matched
Example Function:
function onCommandInvoke(chatlog, messageText, chatData) => {
console.log("Invoked Command");
Type: boolean
Default: false
If true, the command will be removed from the message and the message displayed to chat, such as "/command hi" -> "hi" If false, no message will be displayed
Type: integer
Default: 0
When shouldDisplayToChat
is true, the type of message that should be created
Type: string
Default: fa-terminal
A Font Awesome icon to display in the autocomplete results
Type: string
Default: No description provided
A string to display in autocomplete results to help a user pick the right command
Type: boolean
Default: false
If true, the command will only be executed if the current user is a GM
Hooks.on("chatCommandsReady", function(chatCommands) {
// (GM Only) This Command will display the text after the command as well as invoke the method
commandKey: "/displaytochat",
invokeOnCommand: (chatlog, messageText, chatdata) => {
console.log("Invoked /displaytochat");
shouldDisplayToChat: true,
iconClass: "fa-sticky-note",
description: "Display to chat",
gmOnly: true
// This will eat the command, displaying nothing to chat, as well as invoke the method
commandKey: "/dontdisplaytochat",
invokeOnCommand: (chatlog, messageText, chatdata) => {
console.log("Invoked /dontdisplaytochat");
shouldDisplayToChat: false,
iconClass: "fa-sticky-note",
description: "Don't display to chat"
// This uses the optional createdMessageType option to make the created message "Out of Character"
commandKey: "/outofcharacter",
invokeOnCommand: (chatlog, messageText, chatdata) => {
console.log("Invoked /outofcharacter");
shouldDisplayToChat: true,
createdMessageType: 1,
iconClass: "fa-sticky-note",
description: "Posts message OOC"
// This modifies the text that will end up in the created message
var command = chatCommands.createCommandFromData({
commandKey: "/toupper",
invokeOnCommand: (chatlog, messageText, chatdata) => {
console.log("Invoked /toupper");
messageText = messageText.toUpperCase();
return messageText;
shouldDisplayToChat: true,
iconClass: "fa-sticky-note",
description: "Uppercases text"
// Actually, deregister it
- Initial release
- Deprecated
createCommand(commandKey, shouldDisplayToChat, invokeOnCommand, createdMessageType = 0)
in favor ofcreateCommandFromData(data)
- Added autocomplete for commands (on by default, client setting)
- Added IconClass
- Added Description
- Added Core Command autocomplete
- Added
- Added
command option - CSS fixes, including compatibility with Dice Tray
- Removed extraneous logs