Are you tired of ads ruining your musical groove but don't feel like forking cash down the funnel of large corporations? (aka you're broke or have other things to pay for) Well worry no more, for Spotify Refresher is here to save your wallet!
This program is intended to replace your Spotify Shortcut. When launched, it will start Spotify and play wherever you left off (presses play immediately). While you're jamming away, the program is waiting at the door with a bat at the ready. When Spotify decides to disrupt the party with an ad, the program kills Spotify, starts it back up, and continues your music. This cycle repeats over and over, giving you infinite "minutes of uninterrupted listening".
Built with Python 3.10
This script requires pywinauto to interact with the Spotify window (thus only for Windows).
Make a shortcut of, rename it as you wish, and place it wherever you need.
If you are on Windows 10 and want to pin it to your start menu, place the shortcut in C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
Then you can search for your shortcut in the start menu and pin it!