This application is a simple Java Console Application that aims to implement design pattern examples to a Programmin Language Class. A set of design patterns will be developed each week, and they are divided in different branches.
The main branch is just a template for every other branch.
Also, to make it easier to download the source code, releases are created related to the task of the week, giving a snapshot of the code for that specific implementation.
- Chain of responsibility
- Command
- Interpreter
- Iterator
- Mediator
- Memento
- Observer
- State
- Strategy
- Template method
- Visitor
- Java
- JUnit
- Maven
To run and edit the project, be sure to have installed in your computer the following softwares:
- A code editor
After that, you'll need to clone this repo:
git clone /~
To change to a different branch, run the command:
git checkout name-of-the-branch
The branch names have the pattern:
corresponds to the week asked to be implemented certain pattern
This project has no aim to run any of the implemented classes, as the goal is the code itself. However, the classes will be tested to visualize the behaviour and implementation of the patterns.
You can run the tests using the maven wrapper:
./mvnw test