V2.2.0 2023/04/28
L4VMX (LabVIEW for VMX-pi)
L4VMX makes it possible to program Studica VMX-pi robot with LabVIEW language.
It is stable and high-end performance.
It is designed for ease of use, similar to NI myRIO.
Currently support for LabVIEW 2020 Community.
- Digital Input
- Digital Output
- PWM Generator
- Input Capture
- Analog Input
- Encoder
- I2C
- CAN Bus
- CAN Bus Receive Stream
- Power
- LED Array (WS2812)
It can be used to capture digital signals such as ultrasonic sensor echo signals or pwm signals.
HC-SR04 is a ultrasonic sensor.
Studica Cobra is a line sensor.
ADS1015/ADS1115 are ADC.
It's really easy to write a motor pid control program.
It supports smart open, so you can put IO Open in a loop, and it will automatically initialize the port the first time, without any problem.
Use WorldSkills Toolbox to read ultrasonic sensors without writing difficult signal processing.
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