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Refactor output formatting in Compare-KubeSnapshots.ps1 #7

Refactor output formatting in Compare-KubeSnapshots.ps1

Refactor output formatting in Compare-KubeSnapshots.ps1 #7

name: Publish Plugin to Krew
- 'v*'
- published
runs-on: ubuntu-latest # Run everything in Linux
# Checkout the repository
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v3
ref: ${{ github.ref }} # Check out the branch that triggered the workflow
# Update the KubeSnapIt.psm1 file for Krew Plugin using PowerShell
- name: Update KubeSnapIt.psm1 for Krew Plugin
shell: pwsh # Use PowerShell
run: |
# Create a copy of KubeSnapIt.psm1 directly in the root
$sourceFile = "KubeSnapIt.psm1"
$destinationFile = "kubectl-KubeSnapIt"
Copy-Item -Path $sourceFile -Destination $destinationFile -Force
# Read the content of the destination file
$content = Get-Content $destinationFile -Raw
# Create a regex pattern to capture the entire parameter block
$pattern = '# START PARAM BLOCK[\s\S]*?# END PARAM BLOCK' # Capture the entire block, including newlines
# Check if the parameter block exists
if ($content -match $pattern) {
# Capture the parameter block for verification
$paramBlock = $matches[0]
# Remove the captured parameter block from the original content
$content = $content -replace $pattern, '' # Remove the entire block
# Replace the MARKER: NEW PARAM BLOCK line with the new parameter block
$content = $content -replace '# MARKER: NEW PARAM BLOCK', $paramBlock
# Prepare the new function call to be inserted
$functionCall = @"
# Call the function, passing parameters manually for cross-platform compatibility
Invoke-KubeSnapIt \$PSBoundParameters
# Replace the MARKER: FUNCTION CALL line with the new function call
$content = $content -replace '# MARKER: FUNCTION CALL', $functionCall
# Save the modified content back to the original script file
Set-Content -Path $destinationFile -Value $content
Write-Host "$destinationFile has been modified successfully."
} else {
Write-Host "No parameter block found to remove."
# Validate PowerShell Code
- name: Run PSScriptAnalyzer and format output in Markdown
run: |
# Run ScriptAnalyzer and capture the output
$results = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path ./ -Recurse -Severity 'Error', 'Warning' -ExcludeRule PSAvoidUsingWriteHost
# Separate the warnings and errors
$warnings = $results | Where-Object { $_.Severity -eq 'Warning' }
$errors = $results | Where-Object { $_.Severity -eq 'Error' }
# Debug: Output the count of warnings and errors
Write-Host "Found $($warnings.Count) warnings"
Write-Host "Found $($errors.Count) errors"
# Create Markdown formatted tables
function ConvertTo-MarkdownTable {
param ($items)
$header = "| RuleName | Severity | ScriptName | Line | Message |"
$separator = "| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |"
$rows = foreach ($item in $items) {
"| $($item.RuleName) | $($item.Severity) | $($item.ScriptName) | $($item.Line) | $($item.Message) |"
# Join rows into a single string
return "$header`n$separator`n$($rows -join "`n")"
# Append warnings to the GitHub Actions summary (if any)
if ($warnings.Count -gt 0) {
$warningTable = ConvertTo-MarkdownTable -items $warnings
Add-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY -Value "### PSScriptAnalyzer Warnings`n"
Add-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY -Value "$warningTable`n"
} else {
Add-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY -Value "### No Warnings Found`n"
# Append errors to the GitHub Actions summary (if any)
if ($errors.Count -gt 0) {
$errorTable = ConvertTo-MarkdownTable -items $errors
Add-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY -Value "### PSScriptAnalyzer Errors`n"
Add-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY -Value "$errorTable`n"
} else {
Add-Content -Path $env:GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY -Value "### No Errors Found`n"
# Fail the job if there are any errors
if ($errors.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Error "PSScriptAnalyzer found errors."
shell: pwsh
# Convert line endings from Windows (CRLF) to Unix (LF)
- name: Convert Line Endings
shell: pwsh # Use PowerShell
run: |
(Get-Content "kubectl-KubeSnapIt" -Raw) -replace "`r`n", "`n" | Set-Content "kubectl-KubeSnapIt"
# Create tar.gz files for Linux, Darwin (AMD64, ARM64)
- name: Create Tar Files
run: |
# Get the version from the tag
version="${{ github.ref_name }}"
# Create output directory for the tar files
mkdir -p "$outputDir"
# Create platform-specific directories
mkdir -p "$linuxAmd64Dir" "$linuxArm64Dir" "$darwinAmd64Dir" "$darwinArm64Dir"
# Copy the kubectl-KubeSnapIt script to each platform directory
cp "kubectl-KubeSnapIt" "$linuxAmd64Dir/kubectl-KubeSnapIt"
cp "kubectl-KubeSnapIt" "$linuxArm64Dir/kubectl-KubeSnapIt"
cp "kubectl-KubeSnapIt" "$darwinAmd64Dir/kubectl-KubeSnapIt"
cp "kubectl-KubeSnapIt" "$darwinArm64Dir/kubectl-KubeSnapIt"
# Copy the Private folder to each platform directory
cp -r "Private" "$linuxAmd64Dir/Private"
cp -r "Private" "$linuxArm64Dir/Private"
cp -r "Private" "$darwinAmd64Dir/Private"
cp -r "Private" "$darwinArm64Dir/Private"
# Set execute permission for the kubectl-KubeSnapIt script
chmod +x "$linuxAmd64Dir/kubectl-KubeSnapIt"
chmod +x "$linuxArm64Dir/kubectl-KubeSnapIt"
chmod +x "$darwinAmd64Dir/kubectl-KubeSnapIt"
chmod +x "$darwinArm64Dir/kubectl-KubeSnapIt"
# Create tar.gz files for all platforms using the tar command
tar -czf "$outputDir/KubeSnapIt-linux-amd64-$version.tar.gz" -C "$linuxAmd64Dir" .
tar -czf "$outputDir/KubeSnapIt-linux-arm64-$version.tar.gz" -C "$linuxArm64Dir" .
tar -czf "$outputDir/KubeSnapIt-darwin-amd64-$version.tar.gz" -C "$darwinAmd64Dir" .
tar -czf "$outputDir/KubeSnapIt-darwin-arm64-$version.tar.gz" -C "$darwinArm64Dir" .
# Generate SHA256 Checksums
- name: Generate SHA256 Checksums
run: |
version="${{ github.ref_name }}"
# Generate checksums for all tar.gz files
for file in "$outputDir"/*.tar.gz; do
sha256sum "$file" | awk '{print $1 " " $2}' > "${file}.sha256"
# Update KubeSnapIt.yaml with the new version, URLs, and checksums
- name: Update KubeSnapIt.yaml
run: |
version="${{ github.ref_name }}"
# Extract SHA256 checksums for each platform
sha_linux_amd64=$(cat "$outputDir/KubeSnapIt-linux-amd64-$version.tar.gz.sha256" | awk '{print $1}')
sha_linux_arm64=$(cat "$outputDir/KubeSnapIt-linux-arm64-$version.tar.gz.sha256" | awk '{print $1}')
sha_darwin_amd64=$(cat "$outputDir/KubeSnapIt-darwin-amd64-$version.tar.gz.sha256" | awk '{print $1}')
sha_darwin_arm64=$(cat "$outputDir/KubeSnapIt-darwin-arm64-$version.tar.gz.sha256" | awk '{print $1}')
# Read the KubeSnapIt.yaml template and update it with the new version and checksums
# Update version
sed -i "s/version:.*/version: \"$version\"/" KubeSnapIt.yaml
# Update URLs and corresponding SHA256 checksums for each platform
# Linux AMD64
sed -i "s#uri: .*linux-amd64.*#uri: /~$version/KubeSnapIt-linux-amd64-$version.tar.gz#" KubeSnapIt.yaml
sed -i "/uri: .*linux-amd64.*/!b;n;s/sha256: \".*\"/sha256: \"$sha_linux_amd64\"/" KubeSnapIt.yaml
# Linux ARM64
sed -i "s#uri: .*linux-arm64.*#uri: /~$version/KubeSnapIt-linux-arm64-$version.tar.gz#" KubeSnapIt.yaml
sed -i "/uri: .*linux-arm64.*/!b;n;s/sha256: \".*\"/sha256: \"$sha_linux_arm64\"/" KubeSnapIt.yaml
# Darwin AMD64
sed -i "s#uri: .*darwin-amd64.*#uri: /~$version/KubeSnapIt-darwin-amd64-$version.tar.gz#" KubeSnapIt.yaml
sed -i "/uri: .*darwin-amd64.*/!b;n;s/sha256: \".*\"/sha256: \"$sha_darwin_amd64\"/" KubeSnapIt.yaml
# Darwin ARM64
sed -i "s#uri: .*darwin-arm64.*#uri: /~$version/KubeSnapIt-darwin-arm64-$version.tar.gz#" KubeSnapIt.yaml
sed -i "/uri: .*darwin-arm64.*/!b;n;s/sha256: \".*\"/sha256: \"$sha_darwin_arm64\"/" KubeSnapIt.yaml
# Create a GitHub release and upload the tar.gz files
- name: Create GitHub Release
id: create_release
uses: actions/create-release@v1
tag_name: ${{ github.ref_name }} # Use the version from the output
release_name: KubeSnapIt Krew Release ${{ github.ref_name }}
draft: false
prerelease: false
# Upload Release Assets (Including KubeSnapIt.yaml)
- name: Upload Release Assets
run: |
version="${{ github.ref_name }}"
# Upload each tar.gz file and its corresponding sha256 file
for file in "$outputDir"/*.tar.gz; do
asset_name=$(basename "$file")
gh release upload "$version" "$file" --clobber
gh release upload "$version" "${file}.sha256" --clobber
# Upload KubeSnapIt.yaml to the release
gh release upload "$version" "KubeSnapIt.yaml" --clobber
# Update release notes with content
- name: Update Release Notes
shell: pwsh # Use PowerShell
run: |
$gitVersion = "${{ github.ref_name }}"
$version = $gitVersion -replace 'v',''
$changelogPath = ""
# Read the entire content
$changelogContent = Get-Content -Path $changelogPath -Raw
# Extract the section for the specific version
if ($changelogContent -match "(?s)## \[$version\].*?(?=## \[|$)") {
$changelog = $matches[0]
} else {
Write-Host "No changelog found for version $version."
exit 1
# Save the changelog to a file
$changelog | Out-File -FilePath "" -Encoding utf8
Write-Host "Release notes saved to"
# Check if the file was created successfully
if (-Not (Test-Path "")) {
Write-Host "Failed to create"
exit 1
# Use the GitHub CLI to update the release with the notes
gh release edit $gitVersion -F # Use -F to read release notes from the file
# # New job to publish the plugin to Krew
# publish_krew:
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# needs: publish # This ensures this job runs only after the publish job completes successfully
# if: startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/tags/')
# steps:
# # Publish the plugin to Krew
# - name: Update new version in krew-index
# uses: rajatjindal/krew-release-bot@v0.0.46