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chore: 🧱 CHANGELOG update, version bump
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Krutoy242 committed Jan 27, 2024
1 parent d0e6ec2 commit cf7a995
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Showing 5 changed files with 101 additions and 47 deletions.
140 changes: 97 additions & 43 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,64 +1,118 @@
# v1.28.0-beta (2024-1-20)
## Mods changes
### 🟢 Added Mods
# v1.29.0 (2024-1-27)

Icon | Summary
<img src="" > | [**Neeve's AE2: Extended Life Additions**]( <sup><sub>nae2-1.6.1.jar </sub></sup><br>Adding convenience for whatever frustrates me.
If you update from latest release version `v1.26.0`, you might need to read this changelogs too:
- [`v1.27.0-alpha` Performance improvments](/~
- [`v1.28.0-beta` Add NAE2](/~

### 🟡 Updated Mods

Icon | Summary | Old / New
<img src="" > | [**Zen Utils**]( | <nobr>zenutils-1.16.3</nobr><br><nobr>zenutils-1.16.5</nobr>
<img src="" > | [**Precision Mining**]( | <nobr>PrecisionMining-1.12.2-5.2</nobr><br><nobr>miningspeed2-1.7</nobr>
<img src="" > | [**AE2 Unofficial Extended Life**]( | <nobr>appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7-extended_life-v0.55.29</nobr><br><nobr>ae2-uel-v0.56.2</nobr>
<img src="" > | [**AE2 Fluid Crafting Rework**]( | <nobr>Fluid Craft for AE2-2.5.3-r</nobr><br><nobr>Fluid Craft for AE2-2.5.5-r</nobr>
<img src="" > | [**Deep Mob Evolution**]( | <nobr>DeepMobEvolution-1.12.2-1.2.1</nobr><br><nobr>DeepMobEvolution-1.12.2-1.2.2</nobr>
<img src="" > | [**ZenRecipeReload**]( | <nobr>zenrecipereloading-1.2.1</nobr><br><nobr>zenrecipereloading-1.2.2</nobr>
<img src="" > | [**Just Enough Magiculture**]( | <nobr>justenoughmagiculture-1.12.2-1.1.0</nobr><br><nobr>justenoughmagiculture-1.12.2-1.1.2</nobr>
## Mods changes

## 🐛 Fixes
### 🔴 Removed Mods

Icon | Summary | Reason
----:|:------- | ------
<img src="" > | [**Lilliputian**]( <sup><sub>lilliputian-1.0.jar </sub></sup><br>Configurable mob sizes | Caused lot of lags

#### Configs

* [🖇](/~💥Fix ![](/~ "Colossal Chest Wall") crash server when pushed with ![](/~ "Piston")
> Now its forbidden to push them
* [🖇](/~💨![](/~ "Wind Generator") fix higher => more power
* [🖇](/~🤖Remove Robot names visible in world
> This caused huge strings floating on heavy LostUser usage
* [🖇](/~🧰Remove Quark's inventory sorting button from creative inventory

#### JEI
## ⚡ Performance Improvements

* [🖇](/~🧟Disable Ice And Fire JER villagers
> Because villages was already removed
* [🖇](/~🧟Fix some JER entries (like Myrmexes) duplicates
> Related /~
* <img src="" align=right> [🖇](/~⚡Disable transparent rendering of Mekanism's Cables
> Just 20-100 blocks of this cables could cause ~5% FPS lag
#### Mods
## ✨ New Features

* [🖇](/~🔵Try to disable `Get Bogod!` message again
> Seems like 0.0 value won't help.
* [🖇](/~🌳Significantly buff ![](/~ "Timewood Clock")
> Before this change, each second Tree of Time chose 72 blocks in 16 blocks radius and called additional TileEntity tick and RandomUpdate tick
> Now its:
> - **Radius** reduced to 8 blocks that makes random ticks ~150 times more likely happen
> - **Blocks count** each second 72 => 144
> - **Random updates** now happens 8 times in a row
> - **TE updates** now called 64 times at once
> This would make ![](/~ "Timewood Clock") possible to use even for IC2 crops or some machines.
> Also, since its effectively increasing RandomTicks updates, it open doors for unique new automations - there is no other blocks that could increase random ticks.
* [🖇](/~🌿Patchouli: Add note about book let you visit skyblock

#### Quest

* [🖇](/~📖Add note about ![](/~ "Mithminite Hood") degrade tools
* [🖇](/~📖Temporary fix *chapter finishing message* on servers
* [🖇](/~📖Completing Harvest Level 7 will grand The Nether access for every team member

#### Recipes

* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "Pump Attachment (LV)")![](/~ "Pump Attachment (MV)") way cheaper
* [🖇](/~✏️fix ![](/~ "Steel Turbine") upgr => ![](/~ "Manyullyn Turbine")
* [🖇](/~✏️fix Wood=>Planks recipes in ![](/~ "Sawmill (Basic)")
> This fix removed some deprecated Forestry recipes that somehow fix issues with Sawmill.
* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "Jackhammer") add built-in excavator
* [🖇](/~✏️[Omniwand] add ![](/~ "Desert Myrmex Staff")![](/~ "Jungle Myrmex Staff")![](/~ "Hose")
* <img src="" align=right> [🖇](/~✏️Add lot of new trades for 6 villagers
> New trades for:
> - Alchemist
> - Farmer
> - Necromancer
> - Outfitter
> - Red Mechanic
> - Redstoner
* <img src="" align=right> [🖇](/~🐜Rework many Myrmex trades for `Sentinel` and `Royal`
> Now Sentinels sell lot of Resin for rare resources and Royals buy it for goods.
## 🐛 Fixes

#### Skyblock
* [🖇](/~⚡Return ![](/~ "Mysical Flesh") since its causing crashes on ![](/~ "Enderman Soul") killing
> Fixing /~
* [🖇](/~🐛Disable almost all Random Patches features
> Random Patches causing crashes more and more times. Also, I fund many fixes that actually was fixed by other mods or not used at all.
> So I kept only important ones, disabling all other features.
* [🖇](/~🦯Misc Thaumcraft fixes
> > Contributed by [TabakaSIM](
> * Fix [Mithrillium Scythe] augmenting (+ lore validation)
> * Changed quest rewards for thaumcraft focus tiers
> * Update pills textures
> * Added some mithminite scythe effects as exception to bosses
* [🖇](/~🧤Fix some items activated when giving other player
* [🖇](/~ `Packet Size` twice
> Dont know if this actually works, but could fix some disconnects
#### JEI

* [🖇](/~🧟Fix `Ice And Fire` JER trades integration
> Was accidentally removed Myrmex trades last patch.
#### Quest

* [🖇](/~📖Add `Crafting` upgrade requirments for `Compressing` LostUser program
* [🖇](/~📖Add note about Assembler+Battery+Bottle
* [🖇](/~📖Fix chose rewards icons match actual amounts
* [🖇](/~📖Fix RU desc of quest
* [🖇](/~📖Piston Rewards add amount of reward
* [🖇](/~📖Remove ![](/~ "Eldritch Curiosity") rewards since newbies eat them all at once
* [🖇](/~📖Remove `Morphin Tool` mention

#### Recipes

* [🖇](/~✏️Fix teleportation with Enigmatica book into Skyblock dimension
* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "Crafting Co-Processing Unit") harder
* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "Ancient Stone") make skyblock recipe output x64 blocks
* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "Clear Glass") add alt recipe
* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "Creative Gas Tank") replace ![](/~ "Exhaust Steam") => ![](/~ "High Pressure Steam")
* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "Impregnated Stick") add ![](/~ "Transposer") recipe
* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "Pech Wand") add peaceful alt recipe
* [🖇](/~✏️[Reconstruction Chamber] harder
* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "Rune of Earth") replace ![](/~ "Peat") => ![](/~ "Pile of Ashes")
* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "System Glitch Soul") make unable to spawn with ![](/~ "Spawner Changer")
* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "Trinitite-covered Sand") add magic-only alt
* [🖇](/~✏️![](/~ "Tungsten Ore Chunk") make conversion into ![](/~ "Tungsten Ore")
> This would fix weird bug when ![](/~ "Void Ore Miner Controller Tier 1") mining Ore Chunks instead of Ore only on servers
* [🖇](/~✏️Buff `Inventory System Storages`
> - Significantly buff inventory size (up to 5000 slots)
> - Recipe come up with already precharged block, enough to run 1.5 realtime years
* [🖇](/~✏️Fix amount of ![](/~ "Tough Alloy Ingot") in Platings recipes in ![](/~ "Precision Laser Etcher")
> ![](/~ "Elite Plating")![](/~ "DU Plating")![](/~ "Advanced Plating")
* [🖇](/~✏️IC2 pipes way cheaper
* [🖇](/~✏️Improve ![](/~ "Californium-249") and [Californium-252] dragon loot
> Now 249 and 252 isotopes spawn in those chests that will effectively allow to craft fuel pellet.
* [🖇](/~✏️Move 256+ Storage Cells from AE2Additions to NAE2

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion config/CustomMainMenu/mainmenu.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
"alignment": "bottom_right"
"version_num": {
"text": "v1.28.0-beta",
"text": "v1.29.0",
"posX": -65,
"posY": -25,
"color": 4956595,
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion dev/version.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion manifest.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"manifestType": "minecraftModpack",
"manifestVersion": 1,
"name": "Enigmatica2Expert-Extended",
"version": "v1.28.0-beta",
"version": "v1.29.0",
"author": "krutoy242",
"overrides": "overrides",
"files": [
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion server/server-setup-config.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ install:

# Link to where the file where the modpack can be distributed
# This supports loading from local files as well for most pack types if there is file://{PathToFile} in the beginning
modpackUrl: /~
modpackUrl: /~

# This is used to specify in which format the modpack is distributed, the server launcher has to handle each individually if their format differs
# current supported formats:
Expand Down

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