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fix(quest): 📖add note that [Robot] can trade Myrmexes
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Krutoy242 committed Dec 5, 2024
1 parent c70c298 commit 59b4e32
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion resources/ftbquests/lang/en_us.lang
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Expand Up @@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ GitHub link
q.computers.robot_swing.desc=§8(To complete this quest, your robot should hit an entity or break block)§r\n\nRobots can easily break blocks.\n\n§21.§r Rename your Robot to §nrobot.swing(3)§r.\n§22.§r Place a §3Cobblestone§r block in front of it.\n§23.§r Give the robot a §3Sledge Hammer§r from Tinkers' Construct.\n§24.§r Turn on the Robot. You will see how it breaks the cobblestone into §3Gravel§r.\n\nAdditionally, the robot can kill mobs at your mob farm. Just give it a good sword.\n\nTips and tricks:\n§2-§r Use the "Global Traveler" trait on Tinkers' Construct tools to collect mined items.\n§2-§r Use the Reinforcement modifier on Tinkers' Construct tools to make them infinite.\n§2-§r Use Void Metal tools since they regenerate.
q.computers.trading_upgrade.desc=Enabling trade with villagers.\n§6LostUser§r can be utilized to create the most powerful trading bot in the modpack.\n\nTo set up the trading Robot:\n\n§2-§r Find a villager with desirable trades, such as §3Sage§r or §3Apiarist§r.\n§2-§r Assemble a Robot with upgrades: §3Inventory§r, §3Inventory Controller§r, and §3Trading§r.\n§2-§r Rename the Robot. You can find the name for the §3Trading Bot§r in the programs book.\n§2-§r Place the Robot on top of a §3Drawer Controller§r containing several drawers §cwith total of 16 slots§r.\n§2-§r Fill the drawers with items that the Villager §3wants to buy§r.\n§2-§r Position the Villager within §38 blocks§r of the Robot.\n\nThe Robot will start by extracting items from the drawers, then engage in trading, and finally return everything back.
q.computers.trading_upgrade.desc=Enabling trade with villagers.\n§6LostUser§r can be utilized to create the most powerful trading bot in the modpack.\n\nTo set up the trading Robot:\n\n§2-§r Find a villager with desirable trades, such as §3Sage§r or §3Apiarist§r.\n§2-§r Assemble a Robot with upgrades: §3Inventory§r, §3Inventory Controller§r, and §3Trading§r.\n§2-§r Rename the Robot. You can find the name for the §3Trading Bot§r in the programs book.\n§2-§r Place the Robot on top of a §3Drawer Controller§r containing several drawers §cwith total of 16 slots§r.\n§2-§r Fill the drawers with items that the Villager §3wants to buy§r.\n§2-§r Position the Villager within §38 blocks§r of the Robot.\n\nThe Robot will start by extracting items from the drawers, then engage in trading, and finally return everything back.\n\n§b✔ §7Can trade Myrmexes.
q.computers.wireless_turtle_1.desc=The §bDiamond Pickaxe§r on this §6Turtle§r will §lnever break§r. 🛠️\n§8Note§r: A Turtle equipped with a tool can only break blocks that the tool itself can break.
q.computers.mfu.desc=This upgrade functions as a remote adapter.\nWhile sneaking, click on any side of a block to bind it to a specific position.\nThen, place the upgrade into an adjacent adapter, and it will act as if it were placed right next to the bound side!\n\nThe range of the MFU is §630 blocks§r.
q.computers.crecopter.desc=Drones are entities that fly quickly but cannot use tools.\n\nTo dismantle a drone, Shift + right-click it with a §3Scrench§r.\n\nUse Tier 1.5 Memory or §6LostUser§r would turned off on server restart.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion resources/ftbquests/lang/ru_ru.lang
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Expand Up @@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ GitHub link
q.computers.robot_swing.desc=(to finish this quest your robot should hit an entity)\n\nRobot can break blocks with ease.\n\n1. Rename your Robot to robot.swing(3)\n2. Place a Cobblestone in front of it\n3. Give robot an Sledge Hammer from Tinkers' Construct\n4. Turn on the Robot. You will see how it would turn cobble into Gravel\n\nAlso, robot could kill mobs at your mob farm. Just give it a good sword\n\nTips and tricks:\n- Use "Global Traveler" trait on TCon tools to collect mined items\n- Use Reinforcement modifier on TCon tools to make them infinity\n- Use Void Metal tools since they regenerate
q.computers.trading_upgrade.desc=Enabling trade with villagers.\n§6LostUser§r can be utilized to create the most powerful trading bot in the modpack.\n\nTo set up the trading Robot:\n\n§2-§r Find a villager with desirable trades, such as §3Sage§r or §3Apiarist§r.\n§2-§r Assemble a Robot with upgrades: §3Inventory§r, §3Inventory Controller§r, and §3Trading§r.\n§2-§r Rename the Robot. You can find the name for the §3Trading Bot§r in the programs book.\n§2-§r Place the Robot on top of a §3Drawer Controller§r containing several drawers.\n§2-§r Fill the drawers with items that the Villager §3wants to buy§r.\n§2-§r Position the Villager within §38 blocks§r of the Robot.\n\nThe Robot will start by extracting items from the drawers, then engage in trading, and finally return everything back.
q.computers.trading_upgrade.desc=Enabling trade with villagers.\n§6LostUser§r can be utilized to create the most powerful trading bot in the modpack.\n\nTo set up the trading Robot:\n\n§2-§r Find a villager with desirable trades, such as §3Sage§r or §3Apiarist§r.\n§2-§r Assemble a Robot with upgrades: §3Inventory§r, §3Inventory Controller§r, and §3Trading§r.\n§2-§r Rename the Robot. You can find the name for the §3Trading Bot§r in the programs book.\n§2-§r Place the Robot on top of a §3Drawer Controller§r containing several drawers.\n§2-§r Fill the drawers with items that the Villager §3wants to buy§r.\n§2-§r Position the Villager within §38 blocks§r of the Robot.\n\nThe Robot will start by extracting items from the drawers, then engage in trading, and finally return everything back.\n\n§b✔ §7Can trade Myrmexes
q.computers.wireless_turtle_1.desc=§bАлмазная кирка§r на этой §6Черепахе§r §lникогда не сломается§r. 🛠️\n§8Примечание§r: Черепаха с инструментом может ломать только те блоки, которые может ломать сам инструмент.
q.computers.mfu.desc=This upgrade acts as a remote adapter.\nClick while sneaking onto any side of any block to bind it to a specific position.\nThen, place it into an adapter nearby and it will act as if the adapter was placed right next to the specific side you bound it to!\n\nMFU range is 30 blocks.
q.computers.crecopter.desc=Drones is entities. They flying fast, but can't use tools.\n\nTo dismantle drone, Shift+Right click it with Scrench.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion resources/ftbquests/lang/zh_cn.lang
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ GitHub link
q.computers.robot_swing.desc=(to finish this quest your robot should hit an entity)\n\nRobot can break blocks with ease.\n\n1. Rename your Robot to robot.swing(3)\n2. Place a Cobblestone in front of it\n3. Give robot an Sledge Hammer from Tinkers' Construct\n4. Turn on the Robot. You will see how it would turn cobble into Gravel\n\nAlso, robot could kill mobs at your mob farm. Just give it a good sword\n\nTips and tricks:\n- Use "Global Traveler" trait on TCon tools to collect mined items\n- Use Reinforcement modifier on TCon tools to make them infinity\n- Use Void Metal tools since they regenerate
q.computers.trading_upgrade.desc=Enabling trade with villagers.\n§6LostUser§r can be utilized to create the most powerful trading bot in the modpack.\n\nTo set up the trading Robot:\n\n§2-§r Find a villager with desirable trades, such as §3Sage§r or §3Apiarist§r.\n§2-§r Assemble a Robot with upgrades: §3Inventory§r, §3Inventory Controller§r, and §3Trading§r.\n§2-§r Rename the Robot. You can find the name for the §3Trading Bot§r in the programs book.\n§2-§r Place the Robot on top of a §3Drawer Controller§r containing several drawers.\n§2-§r Fill the drawers with items that the Villager §3wants to buy§r.\n§2-§r Position the Villager within §38 blocks§r of the Robot.\n\nThe Robot will start by extracting items from the drawers, then engage in trading, and finally return everything back.
q.computers.trading_upgrade.desc=Enabling trade with villagers.\n§6LostUser§r can be utilized to create the most powerful trading bot in the modpack.\n\nTo set up the trading Robot:\n\n§2-§r Find a villager with desirable trades, such as §3Sage§r or §3Apiarist§r.\n§2-§r Assemble a Robot with upgrades: §3Inventory§r, §3Inventory Controller§r, and §3Trading§r.\n§2-§r Rename the Robot. You can find the name for the §3Trading Bot§r in the programs book.\n§2-§r Place the Robot on top of a §3Drawer Controller§r containing several drawers.\n§2-§r Fill the drawers with items that the Villager §3wants to buy§r.\n§2-§r Position the Villager within §38 blocks§r of the Robot.\n\nThe Robot will start by extracting items from the drawers, then engage in trading, and finally return everything back.\n\n§b✔ §7Can trade Myrmexes
q.computers.wireless_turtle_1.desc=这只§b钻石镐§r的§6乌龟§r§l永远不会损坏§r。 🛠️\n§8注意§r:装备工具的乌龟只能破坏该工具可以破坏的方块。
q.computers.mfu.desc=This upgrade acts as a remote adapter.\nClick while sneaking onto any side of any block to bind it to a specific position.\nThen, place it into an adapter nearby and it will act as if the adapter was placed right next to the specific side you bound it to!\n\nMFU range is 30 blocks.
q.computers.crecopter.desc=Drones is entities. They flying fast, but can't use tools.\n\nTo dismantle drone, Shift+Right click it with Scrench.
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