Have you ever had trouble conjugating verbs in different languages? Forgot the simple-past of "machen" in german, or perhaps the various conjugations of "dire"?
Fear not! Console-conjugator easily allows you to conjugate thousands of verbs from the command-line!
pip/pip3 install console-conjugator
git clone /~https://github.com/Konjugators/console-conjugator.git && cd console-conjugator/bin
chmod +x install
This Documentation will be moved to readthedocs soon.
The following tenses are supported (im Deutsch):
- present
- simple-past
- present-perfect
- past-perfect
- future
- future2
Just give the argument "c" (for "command line") and conjugate away:
$ konjugier c machen er present
er macht
You can also create a table of conjugations:
konjugier a machen a
Replace "a" with a specific tense, if wanted: a will result in tables for all tenses. To use the fuzzy finder, simply give the argument "f" (Not fully supported):
$ konjugier f
Note: Fuzzy Finder is only availible on OS X and Linux distributions
The character-set a^, o^, u^, and s^ will be formatted automatically to ä, ö, ü, and ß (for german) most of the time (full support added soon).
- Fuzzy Finder Revamp: Select pronoun and tense in fzf format
- French - finish
- Spanish Conjugation