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Console Conjugator

PyPi version Downloads made-with-python



Have you ever had trouble conjugating verbs in different languages? Forgot the simple-past of "machen" in german, or perhaps the various conjugations of "dire"?

Fear not! Console-conjugator easily allows you to conjugate thousands of verbs from the command-line!


Install with pip

pip/pip3 install console-conjugator

Install Script

git clone /~ && cd console-conjugator/bin
chmod +x install

Installation Video and Demo



After installation, you can use the cli interface in most terminals and scripts


This Documentation will be moved to readthedocs soon.

The following tenses are supported (im Deutsch):

  • present
  • simple-past
  • present-perfect
  • past-perfect
  • future
  • future2

Just give the argument "c" (for "command line") and conjugate away:

$ konjugier c machen er present
er macht

You can also create a table of conjugations:

konjugier a machen a

Replace "a" with a specific tense, if wanted: a will result in tables for all tenses. To use the fuzzy finder, simply give the argument "f" (Not fully supported):

$ konjugier f

Note: Fuzzy Finder is only availible on OS X and Linux distributions

The character-set a^, o^, u^, and s^ will be formatted automatically to ä, ö, ü, and ß (for german) most of the time (full support added soon).


  • Fuzzy Finder Revamp: Select pronoun and tense in fzf format
  • French - finish
  • Spanish Conjugation