Releases: KnugiHK/synapse-admin-api-python
Releases · KnugiHK/synapse-admin-api-python
Major Update (2022/06/09)
As mentioned in Synapse 1.58.0 release notes, groups feature will be remove in 1.61.0. Therefore, this will be the last version that support groups related API.
Changes since 0.6.7
- Implemented two new APIs introduced in 1.52.0.
- Added an alias (Media.delete) for Media.delete_media.
- Media.delete_media accept a list of media id in "mediaid" argument now.
Bug fixed
- When "admin" & "deactivated" in User.create_modify is False, the program does not pass the boolean value to the request body.
Lunar Feature Update (2022/2/1)
Happy Lunar New Year!
Changes since 0.6.5
- Implemented new API to query account data.
Major Update (2021/12/15)
Changes since 0.6.0
- Implemented new delete room API.
- Implemented un-shadow ban API.
- Implemented block room APIs.
- Implemented APIs related to federation.
- Implemented APIs related to background update.
- Updated dependency HTTPX from 0.20.0 to 0.21.1.
- Added ability to add offset to current time in Utility.get_current_time.
Major Update (2021/11/18)
Changes since 0.5.6
- Support Python 3.10.0
- Updated dependency HTTPX from 0.18.2 to 0.20.0
- Show an error when timestamp in seconds is provided to the Media.purge_remote_media API.
- ClientAPI.admin_login will now perform auto-retry when HTTP 429 occurs.
- Added support for changing user type in User.create_modify.
- Added support for background updates status admin API.
Minor update (2021/09/11)
Changes since 0.5.5
- Retry the create room request automatically when being rate-limited
- Handle two API endpoints which are removed in Synapse 1.42.0
Major update (2021/08/26)
Changes since 0.5.0
- Added unit testing
- Added checking for argument order_by in User.lists
- Added username availability checking API
- Added delete media uploaded by a user API
- Added a new parameter called "external_ids" to User.create_modify
- Updated dependency httpx to 0.18.2
- Implemented a simple MIME type guessing based on magic
- Support sending media in an announcement
- Management.announce is now a helper method for old Management.announce and Management.announce_all
- Some PEP8
Major update (2021/7/30)
This version has incompatibility with the previous version
- Any methods that will return total number and/or next token will now return a new class, named Contents and ContentsDict, instance
- The returned data (list/dict) can be accessed by Contents and ContentsDict itself
- The total number can be accessed through and
- The next token can be accessed through and
Changes since 0.3.0
- Added homeserver alias validation
- Added default value for size_gt in Media.delete_media
- Added type checking on argument "timestamp" in Media.delete_local_media_by_condition
- Added checking for the conflict values of members and leave in Room.create
- Added some alias for Room, Management, Media and ClientAPI
- Added an option for non-admin login in ClientAPI
- Added a new class named "Contents" to handle returned data with the total number and/or next token
- Replaced all return data which contain a total number and/or next token
- Converted some tuple in return data of some methods to NamedTuple
- Improved docstrings
- Re-implemented User._generate_mac
- Handled error in User.deactivate, User.active_sessions and User.query
- Renamed the package name in
- Renamed ClientAPI.client_create to client_create_room and ClientAPI.client_leave to client_leave_room
- Made argument "userid" in Room.set_admin optional to implement the feature of granting power to the user themself
- Set the default value of size_gt to 0 in Media.delete_local_media_by_condition
- Support encryption when creating room
- Raise SynapseException instead of just returning False when an error occurs in _Device.delete and _Device._delete_multiple
- Accept a mxc URI as media id in class Media
Bug fixed
- User() and ClientAPI() read configuration when connection information is provided in initial variable
- Suppression of exception in _Device is missing
- The key, purge_id, is being accessed too early in Management.purge_history
- Wrong key being accessed in Room.lists and ClientAPI.client_create
- Parameter members in Room.create is not being checked for None before goes to the for loop
Major update (2021/7/5)
Changes since 0.2.0
- Implement the whole media statistics API
- Room.lists will now return dict item individually instead of returning the whole dict
- Return next_token in Management.event_reports
- Return a dict with user id as key and the event id as value in Management.announce_all
- Return bool instead of a list in Media.delete_local_media
- More docstrings
- Refactored some return line
- Removed SynapseAPIError
Bug fixed
- User.lists return one more value now, hence Management.announce_all is broken
- Fix some broken docstring contents
Minor update (2021/6/30)
Changes since 0.2.0
- Force the user to enter only "y" or "n" or leave it blank in saving config dialog
Bug fixed
- Failure to authenticate the user after invoking Admin.modify_config
- Even the user chose not to save the config in the dialog, the config still being saved
First beta release (2021/6/16)
Changes since 0.2.0rc2
- Development status changed from alpha to beta!
- Added a helper method for deleting local and remote media
- Refactored some code
- Made kwargs in User.create() keyword-only arguments
- More and better documentation
- Returning next_token in User.lists
- Support argument "dir" in User.lists
- Returning the admin status of the user after invoking User.set_admin
- User.validity will now return expiration_ts instead of a dict with only one key
Bug fixed
- server_name in Media.quarantine_remove should be optional