- Demonstrate knowledge of JS, HTML, CSS, GSAP
- Be a a playground for exercising a.m. technologies
- Look really good on different devices
- displays basic informations about author
The following tools and resources has been used while developing Google Books
- GSAP - Professional-grade javascript animation for the modern web
- Visual Studio Code - awesome web-based text editor
- SASS/SCSS - CSS with superpowers
- Enformed - The handy way to manage HTML forms
- Not required. Just open index.html in the browser
- No suppport provided for Opera Mini and IE
- Initial version
- added sending emails by Enformed
- sections rendered partially covered by header menu in mobile - corrected
- revise all, with special attention to styles
- check thoroughly on real mobiles
- fully keyboard navagable
- support for calling when pressed on phone number on mobile devices
- problems with email script
- obrazki z fizjoterapii co tu robią
- webp
- O mnie albo ddodać aria roles
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51683761/how-to-fix-lighthouse-links-do-not-have-a-discernible-name albo przerobić tak żeby miały zwykły tekst w środku
- do sprawdzenia nowsze jQuery i podciagnąć jQuery lokalnie
- menu za skomplikowane w środku - przerobić na zwykły button