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Kinto Attachment

Attach files to Kinto records.


pip install kinto-attachment


In the Kinto project settings

kinto.includes = kinto_attachment
kinto.attachment.base_url =

Local File storage

Store files locally:

kinto.attachment.base_path = /tmp

S3 File Storage

Store on Amazon S3: = <AWS access key> = <AWS secret key> = <bucket name> = <AWS ACL permissions|public-read>


access_key and secret_key may be omitted when using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).

See Pyramid Storage.

Google Cloud Storage

kinto.attachment.gcloud.credentials = <Path to the Service Accounts credentials JSON file>
kinto.attachment.gcloud.bucket_name = <bucket name>
kinto.attachment.gcloud.acl = publicRead

See Google Cloud ACL permissions

The folder option

With this option, the files will be stored in sub-folders.

Use the {bucket_id} and {collection_id} placeholders to organize the files by bucket or collection.

kinto.attachment.folder = {bucket_id}/{collection_id}

Or only for a particular bucket: = blog-assets

Or a specific collection: = articles-images

The keep_old_files option

When set to true, the files won't be deleted from disk/S3 when the associated record is deleted or when the attachment replaced.

kinto.attachment.keep_old_files = true

Or only for a particular bucket: = false

Or a specific collection: = true

The randomize option

If you want uploaded files to be stored with a random name (default: True):

kinto.attachment.randomize = true

Or only for a particular bucket: = true

Or a specific collection: = true

The extensions option

If you want to upload files which are not in the default allowed extensions (see Pyramid extensions groups (default: default):

kinto.attachment.extensions = default+video

The mimetypes option

By default, the mimetype is guessed from the filename using Python standard mimetypes module.

If you want to add or override mimetypes, use the following setting and the associated syntax:

kinto.attachment.mimetypes = .ftl:application/vnd.fluent;.db:application/vnd.sqlite3

Default bucket

In order to upload files on the default bucket, the built-in default bucket plugin should be enabled before the kinto_attachment plugin.

In the configuration, this means adding it explicitly to includes:

kinto.includes = kinto.plugins.default_bucket


  • Make sure the base_url can be reached (and points to base_path if files are stored locally)
  • Adjust the max size for uploaded files (e.g. client_max_body_size 10m; for NGinx)

For example, with NGinx

server {
    listen 80;

    location /v1 {

    location /files {
        root /var/www/kinto;


POST /{record-url}/attachment

It will create the underlying record if it does not exist.


  • attachment: a single multipart-encoded file


  • data: attributes to set on record (serialized JSON)
  • permissions: permissions to set on record (serialized JSON)

DELETE /{record-url}/attachment

Deletes the attachement from the record.


When a file is attached, the related record is given an attachment attribute with the following fields:

  • filename: the original filename
  • hash: a SHA-256 hex digest
  • location: the URL of the attachment
  • mimetype: the media type of the file
  • size: size in bytes
    "data": {
        "attachment": {
            "filename": "IMG_20150219_174559.jpg",
            "hash": "ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad",
            "location": "",
            "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
            "size": 1481798
        "id": "c2ce1975-0e52-4b2f-a5db-80166aeca688",
        "last_modified": 1447834938251,
        "theme": "orange",
        "type": "wallpaper"
    "permissions": {
        "write": ["basicauth:6de355038fd943a2dc91405063b91018bb5dd97a08d1beb95713d23c2909748f"]


Using HTTPie

http --form POST http://localhost:8888/v1/buckets/website/collections/assets/records/c2ce1975-0e52-4b2f-a5db-80166aeca689/attachment \
    data='{"type": "wallpaper", "theme": "orange"}' \
    attachment"@~/Pictures/background.jpg" \
    --auth alice:passwd
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: Retry-After, Content-Length, Alert, Backoff
Content-Length: 209
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 08:22:18 GMT
Etag: "1447834938251"
Last-Modified: Wed, 18 Nov 2015 08:22:18 GMT
Location: http://localhost:8888/v1/buckets/website/collections/font/assets/c2ce1975-0e52-4b2f-a5db-80166aeca689
Server: waitress

    "filename": "IMG_20150219_174559.jpg",
    "hash": "ba7816bf8f01cfea414140de5dae2223b00361a396177a9cb410ff61f20015ad",
    "location": "",
    "mimetype": "image/jpeg",
    "size": 1481798

In order to force a specific file attachment mimetype:

http -f POST $URL attachment"~/files/data.bin;type=application/pdf"

Using cURL

curl -X POST ${SERVER}/buckets/${BUCKET}/collections/${COLLECTION}/records/${RECORD_ID}/attachment \
     -H 'Content-Type:multipart/form-data' \
     -F attachment="@$FILEPATH;type=application/x-protobuf" \
     -F 'data={"name": "Mac Fly", "age": 42}' \
     -H "Authorization: $STAGE_AUTH"

Using Python requests

auth = ("alice", "passwd")
attributes = {"type": "wallpaper", "theme": "orange"}
perms = {"read": ["system.Everyone"]}

files = [("attachment", ("background.jpg", open("Pictures/background.jpg", "rb"), "image/jpeg"))]

payload = {"data": json.dumps(attributes), "permissions": json.dumps(perms)}
response = + endpoint, data=payload, files=files, auth=auth)


Using JavaScript

var headers = {Authorization: "Basic " + btoa("alice:passwd")};
var attributes = {"type": "wallpaper", "theme": "orange"};
var perms = {"read": ["system.Everyone"]};

// File object from input field
var filefield = form.elements.attachment.files[0];
// If necessary, force the file content-type:
var file = new Blob([filefield], { type: "application/pdf" });

// Build form data
var payload = new FormData();
// Multipart attachment
payload.append('attachment', file, "background.jpg");
// Record attributes and permissions JSON encoded
payload.append('data', JSON.stringify(attributes));
payload.append('permissions', JSON.stringify(perms));

// Post form using GlobalFetch API
var url = `${server}/buckets/${bucket}/collections/${collection}/records/${record}/attachment`;
fetch(url, {method: "POST", body: payload, headers: headers})
  .then(function (result) {


Two scripts are provided in this repository.

They rely on the kinto-client Python package, which can be installed in a virtualenv:

$ virtualenv env --python=python3
$ source env/bin/activate
$ pip install kinto-client

Or globally on your system (not recommended):

$ sudo pip install kinto-client

Upload files takes a list of files and posts them on the specified server, bucket and collection:

$ python3 scripts/ --server=$SERVER --bucket=$BUCKET --collection=$COLLECTION --auth "token:mysecret" README.rst pictures/*

See python3 scripts/ --help for more details about options.

Download files downloads the attachments from the specified server, bucket and collection and store them on disk:

$ python3 scripts/ --server=$SERVER --bucket=$BUCKET --collection=$COLLECTION --auth "token:mysecret"

If the record has an original attribute, the script decompresses the attachment after downloading it.

Files are stored in the current folder by default. See python3 scripts/ --help for more details about options.

Known limitations

  • No support for chunk upload (#10)
  • Files are not removed when server is purged with POST /v1/__flush__

Relative URL in records (workaround)

Currently the full URL is returned in records. This is very convenient for API consumers which can access the attached file just using the value in the location attribute.

However, the way it is implemented has a limitation: the full URL is stored in each record directly. This is annoying because changing the base_url setting won't actually change the location attributes on existing records.

As workaround, it is possible to set the kinto.attachment.base_url to an empty value. The location attribute in records will now contain a relative URL.

Using another setting kinto.attachment.extra.base_url, it is possible to advertise the base URL that can be preprended by clients to obtain the full attachment URL. If specified, it is going to be exposed in the capabilities of the root URL endpoint.

Run tests

Run a fake Amazon S3 server in a separate terminal:

make run-moto

Run the tests suite:

make tests


  1. Create a release on Github on /~
  2. Create a new tag X.Y.Z (This tag will be created from the target when you publish this release.)
  3. Generate release notes
  4. Publish release
