Adds the option to implement a background graphic or colour to a article element.
The graphic defaults to a fullscreen 'cover' to act as a banner (if you implement a 'blank' component within the article).
You can set the min-height of this article to achieve the banner height you require.
You can also set the 'background-size' and 'background-position' to allow different effects.
NB: the background height will grow with the height of the components added to the article element.
Full credit for original code goes to Dave Gosling (/~
##Settings overview
Extends article data/model
Article background options object
This is the background image source used when page is viewed at desktop resolution
This is the background image source used when page is viewed at mobile resolution
This is the min-height of the article element when the page is viewed at desktop resolution
####_articleBackground.mobileBannerHeight This is the min-height of the article element when the page is viewed at mobile resolution
This is mapped to the background-size css attribute. Options are "cover", "auto" or "contain"
This is mapped to the background-position css attribute. Options are "left","right","center","top","bottom".
This is mapped to the background-repeat css attribute. Options are "repeat","repeat-x","repeat-y","no-repeat".
This is mapped to the background-color css attribute.
Background-position is limited to preset pairs of "left", "center", "right", "top", "bottom"
Background-size is limied to "cover","auto","contain".
##Browser spec
To Be Completed