This project consists of two parts:
- Part 1 - A model checker is programmed in Python for costoptimal reachability properties on timed automata specified in Modest;
- Part 2 - That model checker is used to compute battery-aware experiment schedules for the GomX-3 nanosatellite;
During the first phase of the project a model checker has been created for unbounded and cost-optimal reachability properties for Modest models in Python.
The model checker is designed to run on Python 3.7 or newer. The following package is required:
pip3 install
In order to run the model checker in Python, run with a model.
An example of the files which can be ran by the checker are all the files with the .py extension that can be found in the folder Part_1/modest_models.
An example execution of one of the files in Part_1/modest_models can be seen below:
python3 /Part_1/modest_models/
The following (optional) arguments are supported by the checker:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--d d(ebug): Enter runtime debug mode
--t t(race): Print the property trace
--s s(chedule): Create human-readable CSV schedules and KiBam baseload CSV
--bfs bfs: Use the Breadth First Search algorithm for the exist properties, default is DFS
--dijkstra dijkstra: Use Dijkstra algorithm for the Xmin properties, default is Best First Search
The model checker outputs:
- For every property of the form E<> target specified in the model, where target is a Boolean expression that does not contain further property operators, whether the model satisfies the property or not. If requested by --t, the trace is also printed.
- For every property of the form Xmin(cost-spec, target) specified in the model, where cost-spec is of the form T(rate-exp) or S(jump-exp) with rate-exp and jump-exp numeric expressions not containing further property operators and target a Boolean expression not containing further property operators, whether a state satisfying target is reachable from the initial state, and if yes, the minimum cost of reaching it. If requested by --t, the trace is also printed.
During the second phase of the project a Modest model was implemented to generate a safe, good, and non-trivial job schedule for the GomX-3 satellite for a nontrivial period of time between March 20, 2016, 05:00 UTC, and March 22, 2016, 22:00 UTC.
The final model GomX-3.modest is located in Part_2/model. In order to use the nanosattelite data in the .csv files in Part_2/data, a Python script was developed. This Python script converts the CSV data to transient arrays that can be used in the GomX-3 Modest model. Check the in the folder Part_2/data for more information.
Refer to schedule-instructions.txt to generate the final schedule.
Refer to report.txt to learn more about the Modest model GomX-3.modest
- Edian Annink
- Glen te Hofsté
- s2613352 - Kilian van Berlo -