- An always visible icon showing the status of your last build
- A list of your last few builds and their statuses
- A list of PR's and their statuses
Navigate to chrome://extensions/ in google chrome Select Load Unpacking Select the repository folder
The extension is now installed and will appear in your extensions list pin the extension so that the icon is visible. When you open the extension click the cog icon to access settings
Token Navigate to /~ Create a token with the repo scope Enable SSO organisations if nessasary
Owner the organisation/user that will be searched for prs (limited to one currently)
Repo Prefix if you only want to track prs from repos with a certain prefix, otherwise leave blank
Branch Prefix if you only want to track prs from branches with a certain prefix, otherwise leave blank
Token Navigate to Create a token with the following scopes:
- Read Builds
- Read Build Logs
- Read Pipelines
- Read User
and enable relevant organisation access
User unused