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CS61B Spring 2021


记录所有我在CS61B Spring 2021中的homeworks, labs以及projects。



  • hw0
  • hw1
  • hw2
  • hw3


  • lab1
  • lab2setup
  • lab2
  • lab3
  • lab4
  • lab5
  • lab6
  • lab7
  • lab8


  • proj0
  • proj1
  • proj1ec
  • proj2
  • proj3



Lab2 setup


执行 git submodule update --init 下载Library。


File > Settings > Build…… > Maven 中按照如下图设置。



Lab2 JUnit Tests and Debugging


Lab3 Timing Tests and Randomized Comparison Tests


Run > View Breakpoints 有可以断点到某个报错类型,例如我们要断点到数组边界报错,则可以

this instanceof java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException


Lab4 Git and Debugging



    /** Buggy implementation of nextNumber! */
    public static int nextNumber(int n) {
        if (n  == 128) {
            return 1;
        } else if (n == 5) {
            return 3 * n + 1;
        } else {
            return n * 2;

然后再 git pull origin main 来制造 merge conflict,如下所示,将HEAD部分的代码删除

<<<<<<< HEAD
        if (n % 2 == 0) {
            n = n / 2;
        } else {
            n = 3 * n + 1;
        return n	;
        if (n  == 128) {
            return 1;
        } else if (n == 5) {
            return 3 * n + 1;
        } else {
            return n * 2;
>>>>>>> d82d813b7cda6b51e4243758dbbc3fc46640b3fe


# Solve merge conflict
git add .\lab1\
git commit -m "Solve merge conflict."
git pull origin main

# Back to the correct
git checkout <Hash of your lab1\'s implement>
git checkout main
git checkout <Hash of your lab1\'s implement> -- .\lab1\
git commit -m "Back to the correct"
git push origin main





Lab 6 Getting Started on Project 2



Project 0: 2048

  • 规则要点

    • 一开始,随机添加一个2或4的方块,75%的概率为2,25%的概率为4。
    • 在一次移动中完成合并的方块,不会再次进行合并。
    • 三个相邻的相同大小的方块,前两个进行合并。
    • 若一次移动后没有发生合并,将不会生成新的方块,否则将随机生成一个方块。
    • 下方有当前成绩(Score)显示,成绩(Score)为每次合并的值的和,例如一次移动中,2+2合并为4,4+4合并为8,则成绩(Score)增加12。
    • 结束条件:
      • 要么方块填满且每一个方块相邻的上下左右没有相同大小的方块。
      • 或是任意一个方块的大小大于等于2048
    • 当一次游戏结束后,需要更新最好成绩(Max Score)
  • Enum Types

    • Enum Types 总的来说就是一个常量集合,在JAVA中也相当于一个类,也可以包含方法和字段。

    • JAVA 的 Enum Types 隐式继承至 java.lang.Enum ,并且JAVA不支持状态的多重继承,所以 Enum Types无法 extend 其他任何的类。

    • Enum Types的具体例子Side

      package game2048;
      /** Symbolic names for the four sides of a board.
       *  @author P. N. Hilfinger */
      public enum Side {
          /** The parameters (COL0, ROW0, DCOL, and DROW) for each of the
           *  symbolic directions, D, below are to be interpreted as follows:
           *     The board's standard orientation has the top of the board
           *     as NORTH, and rows and columns (see Model) are numbered
           *     from its lower-left corner. Consider the board oriented
           *     so that side D of the board is farthest from you. Then
           *        * (COL0*s, ROW0*s) are the standard coordinates of the
           *          lower-left corner of the reoriented board (where s is the
           *          board size), and
           *        * If (c, r) are the standard coordinates of a certain
           *          square on the reoriented board, then (c+DCOL, r+DROW)
           *          are the standard coordinates of the squares immediately
           *          above it on the reoriented board.
           *  The idea behind going to this trouble is that by using the
           *  col() and row() methods below to translate from reoriented to
           *  standard coordinates, one can arrange to use exactly the same code
           *  to compute the result of tilting the board in any particular
           *  direction. */
          NORTH(0, 0, 0, 1), EAST(0, 1, 1, 0), SOUTH(1, 1, 0, -1),
          WEST(1, 0, -1, 0);
          /** The side that is in the direction (DCOL, DROW) from any square
           *  of the board.  Here, "direction (DCOL, DROW) means that to
           *  move one space in the direction of this Side increases the row
           *  by DROW and the colunn by DCOL.  (COL0, ROW0) are the row and
           *  column of the lower-left square when sitting at the board facing
           *  towards this Side. */
          Side(int col0, int row0, int dcol, int drow) {
              this.row0 = row0;
              this.col0 = col0;
              this.drow = drow;
              this.dcol = dcol;
          /** Returns the side opposite of side S. */
          static Side opposite(Side s) {
              if (s == NORTH) {
                  return SOUTH;
              } else if (s == SOUTH) {
                  return NORTH;
              } else if (s == EAST) {
                  return WEST;
              } else {
                  return EAST;
          /** Return the standard column number for square (C, R) on a board
           *  of size SIZE oriented with this Side on top. */
          public int col(int c, int r, int size) {
              return col0 * (size - 1) + c * drow + r * dcol;
          /** Return the standard row number for square (C, R) on a board
           *  of size SIZE oriented with this Side on top. */
          public int row(int c, int r, int size) {
              return row0 * (size - 1) - c * dcol + r * drow;
          /** Parameters describing this Side, as documented in the comment at the
           *  start of this class. */
          private int row0, col0, drow, dcol;
      • 可以看到常量是最先声明的,, 间隔, 收尾。
      • 构造方法必须是私有的,无法通过 new 等方法触发构造方法。
  • 我们可能用到的。

    • Tile.value()
    • Board.setViewingPerspective Board.tile Board.move
  • 我们所需要实现的方法。

    • emptySpaceExists
    • maxTileExists
    • atLeastOneMoveExists
    • tilt
  • public static boolean emptySpaceExists(Board b)


        /** Returns true if at least one space on the Board is empty.
         *  Empty spaces are stored as null.
         * */
        public static boolean emptySpaceExists(Board b) {
            // TODO: Fill in this function.
            for (int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < b.size(); j++) {
                    if (b.tile(i, j) == null) {
                        return true;
            return false;
  • public static boolean maxTileExists(Board b)

    这也是循环遍历判断即可,但要注意判断b.tile(i, j) != null,一开始没有注意这个问题。

         * Returns true if any tile is equal to the maximum valid value.
         * Maximum valid value is given by MAX_PIECE. Note that
         * given a Tile object t, we get its value with t.value().
        public static boolean maxTileExists(Board b) {
            for (int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < b.size(); j++) {
                    if (b.tile(i, j) != null && b.tile(i, j).value() >= MAX_PIECE) {
                        return true;
            return false;
  • public static boolean atLeastOneMoveExists(Board b)


    • 先是判断是否有空块,就直接用实现好的 emptySpaceExists 进行判断即可。
    • 若没有空块,则判断是否有相邻相同大小的方块,也是两层遍历,但行只需遍历到 b.size() - 1 即可。
         * Returns true if there are any valid moves on the board.
         * There are two ways that there can be valid moves:
         * 1. There is at least one empty space on the board.
         * 2. There are two adjacent tiles with the same value.
        public static boolean atLeastOneMoveExists(Board b) {
            // 1. There is at least one empty space on the board.
            if (emptySpaceExists(b)) {
                return true;
            // 2. There are two adjacent tiles with the same value.
            for (int i = 0; i < b.size(); i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < b.size() - 1; j++) {
                    if (i + 1 < b.size() && b.tile(i, j).value() == b.tile(i + 1, j).value()) {
                        return true;
                    } else if (b.tile(i, j).value() == b.tile(i, j + 1).value()) {
                        return true;
            return false;
  • public boolean tilt(Side side) (Main Task: Building the Game Logic)


    • 当前方块前没有方块.
    • 当前方块前面的第一个方块的大小与当前方块相同.
    • 当前方块前面的第一个方块的大小与当前方块不同.


    • 一开始 this.score += board.tile(l, sub_r).value(); 写成了 this.score += targetTile.value();,导致this.score增加的方块大小依然是原来的方块大小,因为每move一次时,会再创建一个新的tile赋值给board.values,而不是直接改变tile.value,导致targetTile.value() 并不会随之变化。
        /** Tilt the board toward SIDE. Return true iff this changes the board.
         * 1. If two Tile objects are adjacent in the direction of motion and have
         *    the same value, they are merged into one Tile of twice the original
         *    value and that new value is added to the score instance variable
         * 2. A tile that is the result of a merge will not merge again on that
         *    tilt. So each move, every tile will only ever be part of at most one
         *    merge (perhaps zero).
         * 3. When three adjacent tiles in the direction of motion have the same
         *    value, then the leading two tiles in the direction of motion merge,
         *    and the trailing tile does not.
         * */
        public boolean tilt(Side side) {
            boolean changed;
            changed = false;
            int boardSize = this.board.size();
            for (int l = 0; l < boardSize; l++) {
                boolean isMerge = false; // Record whether last tile is merged.
                for (int r = boardSize - 2; r >= 0; r--) {
                    int sub_r = r + 1;
                    Tile curTile = this.board.tile(l, r);
                    if (curTile == null) continue;
                    // The target tile is what current tile want to move to
                    // if the target tile is not null or is just the last one.
                    Tile targetTile = null;
                    while (targetTile == null && sub_r < boardSize) {
                        targetTile = this.board.tile(l, sub_r);
                        sub_r += 1;
                    sub_r -= 1; // For easier use of sub_r.
                    // Three cases of current tile:
                    // 1. Tiles in front of current tile are all null.
                    // 2. The first in front of current tile has the same value.
                    // 3. The first in front of current tile has not the same value.
                    if (targetTile == null) {
                        this.board.move(l, sub_r, curTile);
                        changed = true;
                    } else if (!isMerge && targetTile.value() == curTile.value()) {
                        this.board.move(l, sub_r, curTile);
                        this.score += board.tile(l, sub_r).value();
                        isMerge = true;
                        changed = true;
                    } else {
                        if (sub_r - 1 != r) {
                            this.board.move(l, sub_r - 1, curTile);
                            changed = true;
                        isMerge = false;
            if (changed) {
            return changed;
  • 注意


        /** Clear the board and play one game, until receiving a quit or
         *  new-game request.  Update the viewer with each added tile or
         *  change in the board from tilting. */
        void playGame() {
            while (_playing) {
                if (!_model.gameOver()) {
                boolean moved;
                moved = false;
                while (!moved) {
                    String cmnd = _source.getKey();
                    switch (cmnd) {
                        case "Quit":
                            _playing = false;
                        case "New Game":
                        case "Up": case "Down": case "Left": case "Right":
                        case "\u2190": case "\u2191": case "\u2192": case "\u2193":
                        case "向上箭头": case "向下箭头": case "向左箭头": case "向右箭头": // 添加对应的指令
                            if (!_model.gameOver() && _model.tilt(keyToSide(cmnd))) {
                                moved = true;
        /** Return the side indicated by KEY ("Up", "Down", "Left",
         *  or "Right"). */
        private Side keyToSide(String key) {
            switch (key) {
            	// 添加对应的指令
                case "Up": case "\u2191": case "向上箭头":
                    return NORTH;
                case "Down": case "\u2193": case "向下箭头":
                    return SOUTH;
                case "Left": case "\u2190": case "向左箭头":
                    return WEST;
                case "Right": case "\u2192": case "向右箭头":
                    return EAST;
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown key designation");

    Project 1 Data Structures

    Through the Fire and Flames还是很好听的,哈哈。


All Assignments for CS61B-sp21






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