DuckDB Labs team is working its own MySQL scanner extension, see duckdb_mysql. So this extension is now archived.
The mysql_scanner extension allows DuckDB to directly read data from a running MySQL instance. The data can be queried directly from the underlying MySQL tables, or read into DuckDB tables.
First load the extension:
LOAD 'mysql_scanner.duckdb_extension';
If you prefer to not attach all tables, but just query a single table, that is possible using the MYSQL_SCAN
table-producing function, e.g.
SELECT * FROM MYSQL_SCAN('localhost', 'root', '', 'public', 'mytable');
takes 5 string parameters:
- the host (ip or name)
- the user name
- the password for that user
- the schema name in MySQL
- the table name in MySQL
but with pushdown.
SELECT * FROM MYSQL_SCAN_PUSHDOWN('localhost', 'root', '', 'public', 'mytable')
WHERE id > 1000;
To make a MYSQL database accessible to DuckDB, use the MYSQL_ATTACH
CALL MYSQL_ATTACH('mysql://user:password@host:port/database');
takes a one required string parameter:
- MySQL url string (i.e.
, some parameters can be omitted)
There are few additional named parameters:
the name of a non-standard schema name in mysql to get tables from. Default ispublic
the schema name in DuckDB to create views. Default ismain
whether we should overwrite existing views in the target schema, default isfalse
whether filter predicates that DuckDB derives from the query should be forwarded to MySQL, defaults totrue
attach MYSQL schema to another DuckDB schema.
-- create a new schema in DuckDB first
CALL mysql_attach('localhost', 'root', '', source_schema='information_schema', sink_schema='abc');
SELECT table_schema,table_name,table_type FROM tables;
The tables in the database are registered as views in DuckDB, you can list them with
PRAGMA show_tables;
Then you can query those views normally using SQL.
Download the C++ extension for MySQL on MySQL dev connector C++.
Extract the sources to mysql
directory in the project root (you should have a mysql/include and lib or lib64 directories).
OpenSSL library is required to build the extension. For instance, on MacOS, you can install it with Homebrew:
brew install openssl
You'll need to install spdlog at the root of the project:
$git clone /~
$ cd spdlog && mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake .. && make -j
As release is the default target, to build: from the project root directory, type:
if possible, use ninja for faster build:
$ GEN=ninja make
Add debug
target to build debug version.
To run, run the bundled duckdb
./build/release/duckdb -unsigned # allow unsigned extensions
Then, load the MYSQL extension like so:
LOAD 'build/release/extension/mysql_scanner/mysql_scanner.duckdb_extension';
Copyright 2023 Kayrnt.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (LICENSE-GPLv3).
Inspired by:
Rely on DuckDB