As many coloradans know, the possibilities for hikes are almost endless and google searches often lead to the same popular result. We wanted to create an application that allows users to filter through hikes that fit user criteria. Allowing users to select filters such as difficulty level, length of hike, family friendly, dog friendly makes hiking more accessible for those who have trouble finding hikes/ those who are new to hiking and don’t know where to begin.
- Description
- User Story
- Acceptance Criteria
- Installation
- Usage
- License
AS A hiker,
I WANT a site where I can share my love of hiking with other hikers while finding new hikes.
SO THAT i can filter through hikes that fit me.
Given and unauthenticated user
WHEN I navigate to the website
THEN I am presented with a main login and sign up page
IF I have an account, THEN I can login with my authentication
IF I enter my login credentials, then I am rerouted to the home dashboard, otherwise I receive an error that my email or password is incorrect
IF I don't have an account, then I can click sign up and be routed to the sign up page
Given an authenticated user
WHEN I select login, then I am routed to the main dashboard page